Take Heed, Brothers: We are Still in Charge

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2016

iowa primary

Though symbolically, the Iowa situation is disappointing, in practical reality it means basically nothing.

We got a very close second place, getting 7 delegates instead of 8.

The last two election cycles, the winners in Iowa did not secure the nomination – Huckabee in 08, Sanatorium in 12, both winning because of evangelical village people.


Over 80% of Iowaians live in primitive mud huts without electricity or running water.

There is virtually no chance Cruz can pull off a win next week in New Hampshire, and may in fact get totally brutalized.

Note: Especially if we make this clip viral.

Cruz won by exploiting the low-IQ evangelical suckers in Iowa. Evangelicals make up 53% of the Iowa population, so the overwhelming majority of GOP voters. Get this: 12% of Iowa evangelicals voted for the Magic Negro. These people are stupid.

carson, cruz - bad news!

In New Hampshire, only 35% of the people identify as religious at all, and the overwhelming majority are Catholic.

Without the cuckold evangelical element, Cruz loses all appeal and becomes just a much less interesting and much less honest version of Donald Trump.

The lack of evangelicals also makes Magic Negro pointless.

In 2012, New Hampshire people really liked Ron Paul (he came in second), so probably Son of Paul will do better there, due to his empty libertarian rhetoric, spreading things out a bit.

But Trump is winning by ridiculous margins in every poll.


The last two cycles, New Hampshire did determine the nominee (McCain and Romney). So when we win there, we’re going to be in very good shape.

This war is far from over.


Hail Victory.