Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 22, 2015
Here’s the first two stories in the US News section of Google News:
Story One

Black shoots infant son and ex-girlfriend inside of a church.
The Sunday service at Oasis Tabernacle Church had started like any other: A prayer was recited over the small 25-member congregation and the co-pastor was about to begin the day’s Bible lesson. Before he could start, however, authorities say a young man sitting in the front pew next to his estranged girlfriend and their infant son jumped to his feet and opened fire.
James Junior Minter, 26, shot the baby in the hand and hit the woman in the chin before he was tackled by the woman’s father, the Alabama church’s pastor and other parishioners, all of whom were hailed as heroes for preventing even more possible bloodshed, District Attorney Michael Jackson said.
Witnesses say the entire sequence of events unfolded in less than 10 minutes. Pastor Bob Carswell said it started when Minter, appearing fidgety, entered the church Sunday morning and sat down beside his estranged girlfriend in the front row. The young woman’s mother had pulled Carswell aside earlier and whispered that she feared he might have a gun, the pastor said.
“When he sat down, he didn’t have time to get the bench warm and then he jumped up and turned the gun straight at her and started shooting at her head,” Carswell said of Minter’s ex-girlfriend, whose name has not been released.
WSFA-TV identified the woman as Sharnika Brown. In an interview posted on the station’s website late Monday, Brown told the television station Minter walked into the church, sat between her and their newborn son, and said, “I got to kill you.”
Brown’s father told WSFA that Minter had accused the family earlier of trying to keep him from seeing his baby and then followed them to church.
Carswell said Minter shot directly at the woman at least three times and then pointed the gun down at her after she fell on the ground.
The woman’s father and another parishioner grabbed Minter from behind while Carswell grabbed him from the front and grabbed the gun, he said. He said other parishioners joined in during the struggle.
“Her Daddy grabbed him and went back with him to get him back from over his daughter. I ran down, grabbed him, and grabbed the gun. It took some doing, but we finally got it away from him,” Carswell said.
Minter broke free but was arrested about a mile from the church.
Story Two

Black tries to drown own kids in a pond.
The anguish in the man’s voice on the 911 call was clear.
He was telling the dispatcher on the other end of the line that he had just tried to drown his children in a pond and he was so distraught and disoriented that he couldn’t describe where he was.
“Please send an ambulance. My daughters are in the lake, drowning. Both of my young daughters.”
Alan Tysheen Eugene Lassiter sobbed as he struggled to explain where he was so police could come to help. Later in the call, he told a bystander: “I just drowned my two daughters in the lake back there.”
Now, authorities are left looking for answers as to why Lassiter ended up Sunday night at an apartment complex where he didn’t live trying to end his children’s lives.
Lassiter, 29, was charged with three counts of attempted murder and jailed Monday on a bond of $2 million, according to the Durham County Jail. His 3- and 5-year-old daughters were rescued from the water by an off-duty sheriff’s deputy and hospitalized. His 7-year-old son escaped and ran for help, police said.
Yeah, good luck figuring that one out under the “race does not exist” paradigm, guys.
Do We Want These People?
This is just one day in vibrant America: two top stories of Blacks trying to murder their own kids for no reason.
This is from a couple days ago:
Why would we want these people in our society?
Why not send them back to Africa, or at least place them in their own locations where they can do these sorts of things without our knowing about it?
Why should we play host to this weird zoo inside of our society?
And Hey – The Mexicans are No Better
Just to top off this edition of “Tales of Vibrancy,” let’s look at a Mexican couple’s strange sex murder which was also in the headlines today.
A south Florida man charged with murdering his girlfriend admitted to disemboweling her with his bare hands after she twice cried out her ex-husband’s name during sex, police said.
Self-admitted “monster” Fidel Lopez, 24, said he flew into a drunken rage after she cried out the other man’s name during rough sex inside of their Sunrise apartment’s closet early Sunday morning, according to a police report obtained by the Sun Sentinel.
In extremely disturbing details, police say Lopez admitted to shattering a sliding glass door, punching holes into a wall and ripping a closet door off its hinges.
He then returned to 31-year-old Maria Nemeth, who was lying unconscious on the floor, and proceeded to sexually mutilate her — first with various objects, then by inserting his arm into her, up to his elbow.
But hey – at least we get to experience all the positives of diversity as well such as…
Wait, remind me again?