Tanning Addict Left With Massive Tumour on Her Face

Emma Innes
Daily Mail
February 4, 2014

Why would she want to destroy her beautiful Aryan features?
Why would she want to destroy her beautiful Aryan features?

A tanning addict who used a sunbed every day for three years was left with a horrific scar after a massive tumour grew on her face.

Anna Taylor, 33, spent an hour each night – six nights a week – under the tanning bulbs in her spare room.

After more than 900 hours on a sunbed she gave up the habit in favour of fake tan lotion and kept out of the sun to avoid wrinkles.

But the damage was already done and in January last year doctors discovered a tiny spot on her face was cancerous.

Surgeons were forced to cut a chunk out of her cheek leaving her needing 29 stitches.

She now has a huge scar from her eye to her mouth.

Ms Taylor, from Worthing, West Sussex, said: ‘I was confident about my looks before my surgery.

‘Now, at 33, and with a lifelong scar stretching most of the way down my face, I am reminded daily that my vanity backfired.

‘The scar will fade slightly but I will always be left with a mark.

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