April 1, 2014
Each year radical leftists hold a “White Privilege” conference to demonize white people. The event openly promotes hatred against white people, especially white males. The CofCC protested the conference once when it was held in Minneapolis. This year, radical leftists in the Wisconsin state government looted $20,000 in public taxdollars to finance the anti-white event.

Do to bad press, the organizers are now panicking and kicked out journalists. Despite receiving public funding, they have now declare the conference to be a private event.
Wisconsin is the same state where the state government recently encouraged white school children to wear white bracelets to atone for their “white privilege.” All references to the program and white privilege were scrubbed from an official government website when this website urged readers to submit complaints.
The White Privilege Conference, held from March 25 to 29 in Madison, Wisconsin, is a conference geared toward educating the state’s teachers on how to destroy all that white power coursing through the school system.
In its explanation of its goals, the White Privilege Conference website says, “WPC is a conference that examines challenging concepts of privilege and oppression and offers solutions and team building strategies to work toward a more equitable world.”
The Wisconsin Reporter’s Adam Tobias tried to gain entry to report on the conference and see where local tax dollars were going. However, while trying to register for the event he met various levels of resistance, was put off from registering, then eventually barred at the door and denied access.
Tobias tried to find a way to register online before the conference began, but there was no place to register as a member of the media. He tried emailing and calling conference officials but never got any calls back. He eventually tried to register in person on the days of the events. On the first day of the event he was told to “come back later,” and when he came back he was told he was “too late” to register.
All the while, Tobias alleges, conference officials knew exactly who he was, knew that he was a critic of the conference, and barred him entrance based on his work.
In explanation, conference officials claimed that they didn’t have to let him in to report on the sessions because it was a “private event,” not a taxpayer-funded, public one. However, this is not entirely true. While the White Privilege Conference is a private organization, every year thousands of dollars in local tax money go to help fund the event.
As Tobias reported, the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, where the event was being held, was helping fund the conference with an $18,375 booking event assistance payment, money that comes from a fund drawn from local hotel room tax revenue.
Not only that, but several local school districts are paying thousands in registration fees, hotel stays, and transportation costs for teachers and administrators to attend this conference. Those are also tax dollars being spent.
The White Privilege Conference does more to hide what it is doing from the public than merely preventing media from reporting on its activities. Even on the conference scheduleon its website, WPC hides its discussion topics.
Anyone who has ever attended a conference knows that panels, keynote speeches, and breakout sessions always have catchy titles to inform attendees what they might hear at any given time so that they can choose what sessions to attend. Yet on the White Privilege Conference schedule all that are listed are generic session names like “concurrent workshops” and “caucus and support groups.”
In this way, the conference shields the actual conference topics from prying Internet eyes. Better to hide what they are doing than to invite controversy by telling website visitors what they are really talking about, apparently.