Taylor Swift Endorses Kamala Harris

Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris.

Swift is the last real “superstar” in America, with a massive fan base of people who do whatever she says. She is basically a cult leader.

If this was a real election, this would be very meaningful. But it’s not a real election, so nothing means anything. American elections are faked with mail-in ballots.

Swift signed the endorsement letter, posted to Instagram, as a “childless cat lady,” a reference to the weirdo “JD Vance” (fake name) condemning childless cat ladies as dead weight on society. The weird faggot “Vance” is right about this, but fat nerds married to Indian women (in “interfaith ceremonies”), having Indian kids to stink up civilization, are also dead weight.

Taylor Swift is a useless whore, but she’s better than “Vance.” At least Taylor is the only thing people like about America, internationally, at this point. We don’t have any other relevant stars, other than Trump himself, and everyone hates Disney now because it’s all gay with shitty CGI.

If Elvis was still alive, he’d be 87. He’d have endorsed Donald Trump while also condemning his support for Israel.

Elvis was a real one.

Taylor Swift is not as popular as Elvis, or even anything close to it, but she is the closest thing to Elvis’ star level in the current society. This shows the total degradation of American identity in the last 50 years. Elvis was a superstar that the entire nation rallied around, a symbol of both Christianity and charity as well as wanton sexuality and total decadence, a uniquely American icon embodying the best and the worst of our society.

Taylor Swift could never be as big as Elvis. Elvis couldn’t be as big as Elvis in the current year, because America is too divided into these various factions. But she is the biggest star of the age, and what does she represent? I think she said it: she’s a childless cat lady who sings stupid songs about teenage romance.

Elvis died with a total estate of $7 million. He was maxing everything out, living life hard. Forbes says Taylor Swift has $1.3 billion.

It seems to me that this also represents a change in the national dynamic of the United States. Elvis could have had a lot more money, but he was focused on riding the throttle til the wheels came off.

Taylor Swift is a creation of marketing departments, a calculated appeal to a mass of women who want to view themselves as empowered permanent teenagers. Elvis lived in a hotel suite in Las Vegas, wore a rhinestone embossed karate outfit, drove a pink Cadillac, open-mouth kissed any woman who approached him, took amphetamine in the day and codeine at night, and gave all his money away to family and friends.

Maxed out.

Putting aside the sexual dynamics, Taylor Swift is a sanitized consumer product, while Elvis was wild and free.

America has lost its sense of adventure. Fatmericans lack the ability to throw caution to the wind. Elvis could not inspire this generation.

Kamala Harris is also a sanitized consumer product, of the exact same sort as Swift. Everything either of them do or say is focus-grouped and market-tested. Swift’s team was waiting until the debate to see Kamala’s performance to see whether to outright endorse her, considering how it would affect the Swift brand.

This stuff is all scientific, so the Swift endorsement is possibly the most relevant metric of how Kamala was perceived last night, in particular by women. If she had come across badly, Swift would not have endorsed her, given that she has too much to lose.

American “culture” is utterly grotesque. Everything feels like cheap plastic.