Taylor Swift: Garden Variety Whore or Secret Tranny Manwhore?

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2018

Do you see anything wrong in the above picture?

Whenever some young soy boy writes to the Internet about that strange chick he dry-fingered in some loud club after finally getting over the girl that once asked him for a crayon in kindergarten, Jews get a very addictive warm tingle in their bellies.

Stories like that are more common each passing day because as a society, at some point we decided that it was more important to fund tranny science instead of space travel, and so now we’re at a point where we can turn what once looked like a drunk vagabond in a dress into what many would consider a hot chick.

Also, because plastic is now a micronutrient.

This is Jew’s sauce. Deceit.

Estrogen, and deceit.

…and jew jitsu.

I don’t get a warm tingle in my belly when I read one of my guys unironically lamenting the loss of Taylor Swift.

I have to tell you the truth.

Taylor Swift is probably a tranny.

Mr. Swift now acting like a soyboy would make perfect sense, if he is a soyboy. “She” must have been on puberty blockers and estrogen from an early age, and had some surgeries, but it’s still possible that “she” was born with a penis and a pair of testicles.

In order to resolve this question, we will need a short crash-course in tranny identification.

It was easy for our great-grandparents. This is just something that no one should even have to deal with. But now, you need to know what to look for, or you could get infected with the gay.

How would you know at first glance that these have a legit pussy?

Same girl as above, 1 year earlier:

This is a one year before and after:

Hormones, science, and technology can sometimes confuse your gut feelings.

Lucky for us, there’s plenty of signals we can look for to differentiate a man from a woman. Most don’t mean much by themselves, but if they start adding up, and you choose to ignore them, you should probably start taking PReP now, for your inevitable future contact with AIDS.

The female brain does not really develop much after puberty. They’re emotional, self-centered creatures that would be entirely useless creatures if not for their wombs. They all also have severe mental retardation that is not grossly apparent to the untrained eye because the noses have engineered our culture to be female-centered and so their attitude is the norm.

But there’s more to it.

They have evolved to look more like children. This is called Neoteny. They are physically and mentally closer to babies than they are to adults. Women looking like children is useful for men because they know not to take those creatures seriously, and it is useful for women because looking and acting kinda like a toddler makes men want to protect and coddle them.


The Multiple Fitness Model proposes that the qualities that make babies appear cute to adults additionally look “desirable” to adults when they see other adults. Neotenous features in adult females may help elicit more resource investment and nurturing from adult males. Likewise, neotenous features in adult males may similarly help elicit more resource investment and nurturing from adult females in addition to possibly making neotenous adult males appear less threatening and possibly making neotenous adult males more able to elicit resources from “other resource-rich people”. Therefore, it could be adaptive for adult females to be attracted to adult males that have “some” neotenous traits.

Many of the traits that will help you differentiate man from woman are a direct result of neoteny.

Ashley Montagu said that the following neotenous traits are in women when compared to men: more delicate skeleton, smoother ligament attachments, smaller mastoid processes, reduced brow ridges, more forward tilt of the head, narrower joints, less hairy, retention of fetal body hair, smaller body size, more backward tilt of pelvis, greater longevity, lower basal metabolism, faster heartbeat, greater extension of development periods, higher pitched voice and larger tear ducts.

These neotenous features make women more attractive to men because we want young and fertile womb-machines, not used-up old hags.

In a cross-cultural study, more neotenized female faces were the most attractive to men while less neotenized female faces were the least attractive to men, regardless of the females’ actual age. Using a panel of Asian, Hispanic and White judges, Michael R. Cunningham found that the Asian, Hispanic and white female faces found most attractive were those that had “neonate large eyes, greater distance between eyes, and small noses” and his study led him to conclude that “large eyes” were the most “effective” of the “neonate cues”. Cunningham also said that “shiny” hair may be indicative of “neonate vitality”.

Trannies work very hard to simulate neotenous features, and they have a decent array of tools at their disposal to achieve that illusion. From surgeries and hormone therapy to makeup and clothing. Just like fat chicks become masters of picture angles, trannies become masters of costumes and posing.

The following are useful physical features to look for that are easy to identify. The list is not exhaustive.

Practice observing family and friends first, to ensure the person’s genitals are what you think they are.

Let’s start with the face.


This is likely the most telling feature to look for in the head.

Female foreheads look “straight,” and it’s not about the hairline.

Male foreheads, on the other hand, have a distinct slope.

When was the last time you saw Taylor Swift’s forehead? She’s always covering it.

Even if you find a rogue picture of it, you can’t know for sure it’s not edited with Photoshop or whatever. Movies have special effects, and trannies have those, too. They also have implants to change the shape of the skull.

Brow Ridge (also known as supraorbital ridge)

You can immediately observe this in the picture of Daniel Radcliffe above.


Male jaws are more square-shaped than women’s, yes, but the angle right before the ear is a more reliable tell.

In men, it’s more straight.

In women, it’s more curvy. Because women are curvy. Remember that.

Men = erections, straight.

Women = cavities, curves.

Adam’s Apple

The Adam’s Apple can not be removed, but it can be made less prominent through a surgical procedure that “shaves down” the cartilage.

The surgery is pretty effective.

He feels female.

There’s more in the head that you could look for, such as the external occipital protuberance, the shape of the eye sockets, and more, but those offer less return of investment.

You know what offers the most return of investment?

The Pelvis

The pelvis is the single most important distinction.

Women have wider hips for babies to go through them. There are women with narrow hips, but you should ignore those. If they can’t bring a child to this world through normal means, they’re useless. How many kids do you think they’ll have through c-sections?

Bottom line: if you draw a line from the hips to the shoulders in women’s body, you’ll see the classic hourglass shape.

Men, on the other hand…

There are ways to simulate a female hip on men. You could remove some ribs, add some implant here and there… but it never looks quite like the real deal.


Men’s shoulders are wider, even after adjusting for soy consumption.


Women’s neck is more fragile, pencil-looking. If she has a muscular neck, she’s a he.


Even at the same height, men have bigger feet than women.


Men have bigger veins, and usually look more vascular.

Ring Finger to Index Finger Ratio

There can be exceptions. But even exceptions can tell you something.

Male hands.


Male hands are bigger and more vascular. If she’s short and has big hands, run.

Other Signs

Keep an eye out for conditions that are statistically found mostly in men, like stuttering.

If they use excessive makeup and they never show themselves without makeup, raise your defenses.

If they hide their hips with clothing or whatever, beware. That’s a known tranny technique to make their torsos look shorter.

If they walk funny, walk in the opposite direction. Most trannies never get the “female walk” style thing down and they look weird when they give it a shot.

If they do weird, exaggerated poses on camera, they’re likely trying to simulate the curves they don’t have.

You could also do the shaved head test.

Just imagine them with a shaved head. If you have pictures of them, remove their hair or hide it somehow.

Now that you have enough background knowledge on the subject, you can judge for yourself.