Taylor Swift’s Jewish Lawyers Cracking Down on The Daily Stormer!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2016

20160526 Letter to The Daily Stormer(1)20160526 Letter to The Daily Stormer(2)

I received a letter this morning from the legal team of Taylor Swift, asking that I remove a meme image and references to her.

Under this threat of Jewish violence against my person, I have removed the offending materials as requested, given that I barely have the resources to run this site, I surely don’t have the resources to fight a frivolous Jewish lawsuit.

This leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. These are the same memes that Pinterest was asked to take down and refused to, citing parody laws.

But the Daily Stormer is not Pinterest. And I have to choose my battles wisely. And a battle over Taylor Swift memes is not a good choice of a battle.

But I can tell you this: the day is coming when these Jews who made all of these billions of dollars off of us, hounding us for every single last cent, are going to have to pay it all back – with interest.


I’ve emailed the ACLU, and if they agree to go to court for me on this, I’m putting the memes back up.

This legal threat is a de facto violation of my First Amendment rights, which are protected under the US Constitution. I have no doubt that I would eventually win the suit against Swift’s team, however, it would cost more money than I’ve got.

The upshot of this is that a lot of angry meme-fags are going to be spamming these images all over Twitter, Pinterest and every other outlet that has the ability to stand-up to Swift’s team of Jew lawyers.

And after Trump is elected, and Taylor is able to come out with her true agenda, she herself is no doubt going to apologize to me personally. Over cocktails and sushi.