Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
February 17, 2015

It’s becoming more and more difficult to escape the brainwashing on the “pertinent” issues of today, such as institutionalized racism, White privilege, social justice, et cetera.
Private school physics teacher Moses Rifkin, an apparent Jew, has developed a curriculum to brainwash his students with the aforementioned “pertinent” issues.
In part one of his curriculum, he explains why he bothers pushing such crap in physics class:
For the first four years of my high school teaching career, I felt stuck. I care deeply about making the world a better place – duh – but felt that as a science teacher, my opportunities to do so were limited. I was jealous of my colleagues in English and History who got to talk every day in class about society and how it worked and how to be moral and caring and kind, whereas those conversations with students only happened for me outside the classroom. That I was teaching at a private school only made matters worse: my students weren’t learning about their own privilege (academic and, in most cases, economic and racial). I wanted to make my classroom a part of the solution, but wasn’t sure how. What’s a science teacher to do?
Ten years later, I have come somewhat closer to finding an answer. I feel like it’s an answer because I’ve found a way to introduce my students to the ideas of racial and gender privilege, to the idea that our society is far from a meritocracy, and to broaden their conception of who (racially, gender-wise, etc.) does science to include a much broader slice of society; I say somewhat because it’s still very much a work in progress as I fumble my way upwards.
This article is meant as an overview of a six-day curriculum that I’ve developed and use with my senior physics students each year. For each of the days, I’ll give a brief synopsis of what happens in class and note the bigger-picture questions and goals that I hope to address that day. I’ve also included some resources that I use, though there are many more, and some narrative reflection on each day to help add some context. I’ve never had an opportunity like this to share what I do and if anything you read over the next few days is appealing or challenging or interesting or generative, I’d love to talk about it via e-mail (mrifkin@universityprep.org) or Twitter (@RiPhysKin).
TL;DR: As science teachers, we have to take an active role in undoing the bias in our society. Don’t be afraid to try, and don’t wait until you know exactly what to do. Start a conversation, incorporate feedback to improve it the next time, and let me know how it goes.
Part two is here if you are interested in reading it and chuckling at the lunacy.
I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but shouldn’t this Jew be teaching physics?
Physics is defined as, according to Merriam-Webster, “a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions in the fields of mechanics, acoustics, optics, heat, electricity, magnetism, radiation, atomic structure, and nuclear phenomena.”
It doesn’t seem as if institutionalized racism, White privilege, and social justice quite fit that bill…