Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2013

Obviously Santa Claus is White. The basic idea of a man coming into your house at night to give you things is clearly a representation of White cultural values.
I think blacks, instead of trying to steal Santa like he was an elderly woman’s purse, should invent their own black Christmas figure. They can call him “Nigga Clows” or “Muffuggen Sanna,” and after he slides down your chimney, instead of giving you presents he rapes your wife and daughter and steals all the copper wiring out of your walls before burning your house down.
From Torstar News:
A New Mexico high school teacher who questioned an African American student’s decision to dress up as Santa Claus on the grounds that the mythical North Pole figure was white has been put on paid administrative leave.
Students at Cleveland High School in Rio Rancho, just north of Albuquerque, were told last week they could dress up as holiday characters. But when Christopher Rougier, an African American ninth grader, showed up dressed as Santa Claus, he was called out by the teacher.
“Christopher, don’t you know Santa Claus is white? Why are you wearing that?” the student’s father, Michael Rougier, told local television station KOB, relating what he described as the teacher’s remarks.
The boy’s father said his son felt ashamed and embarrassed by the remark, which came to light amid an ongoing media spat over Santa’s skin colour after a Fox anchor asserted last week on the air that Santa Claus was white.
This story might have been fabricated to further the Megyn Kelly “Santa is White” drama. I have certainly never heard of a black child having a father (edit: just saw the video, his father is White lol).
Somebody call up John Friend and that Jew 108morris and see if they think these people are crisis actors.