“Anal Action Force” Bibi and Brandon Plan Big Time Attack on Iran

The Democracy people of the world are going to do Iran like Puffy did 2Pac.

Now that we know Puffy is a gaynigger, and apparently fucked poor Justin Bieber up the ass, that analogy is even more apt.

The Guardian:

Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu spoke for the first time in weeks on Wednesday amid expectations of an imminent Israeli strike on Iran, which Yoav Gallant warned would be “deadly, precise and surprising”.

Netanyahu’s defence minister issued the warning in a video message on Israeli media on Wednesday night, broadcast after he postponed a scheduled trip to Washington.

Gallant said that the Iranian missile attack on Israel on 1 October had been a failure but would be avenged.

If it was a failure then what is the point of avenging it?

“Whoever attacks us will be hurt and will pay a price. Our attack will be deadly, precise and above all surprising, they will not understand what happened and how it happened, they will see the results,” the Israeli defence minister said.

That’s what happened to Biebs.

He didn’t know what happened or how it happened, he just knew “it came from… behind!”

Poor kid.


Gallant’s video message was broadcast a few hours after the conversation between Netanyahu and Biden, their first in seven weeks, which was joined by the vice-president, Kamala Harris, whose presidential campaign could be upset by the widening hostilities in the Middle East and any consequent spike in oil prices. It also emerged on Wednesday that Netanyahu last week spoke with Harris’s opponent, Donald Trump.

The timing and scope of the Israeli retaliation is still unclear, and a miscalculation could propel Iran and Israel into a full-scale war, which neither side says it wants. The US, Israel’s staunch ally, is wary of being drawn into the fighting, and of oil price shocks.

Neither side? Which neither side?

I don’t think any serious person argues that Israel doesn’t want war. It’s clear that neither the US or Iran want war, but that is totally irrelevant, as Israel is in charge of the US government.

If Biden’s people are saying anything at all to Bibi (if these are not just fake meetings for public consumption), they are begging Bibi to wait until after the election to start the war.

It doesn’t really matter if Kamala or Trump “win” this fake election, but it is going to be so much easier for the American government if it starts under a new administration.