Tear Gas Used to Pacify Black Looters Rampaging Through Suburbia

Daily Stormer
August 12, 2014

Black looter in ‘Trayvon’ tee-shirt.

Blacks have a dynamic and vibrant culture filled with diversity and culture.

Why must Whitey always hold them down?  Why will the evil White racists never allow them to succeed?

USA Today:

Police began using tear gas to disperse crowds early Monday morning in suburban St. Louis after multiple stores were vandalized and looted Sunday night. Crowds became unruly at a vigil for an unarmed black man who was shot and killed by police.

People smashed car windows and carried away armloads of looted goods from stores in Ferguson and Dellwood after the vigil for Michael Brown, 18, who died Saturday after being shot multiple times by a Ferguson police officer.

Among other businesses, a QuikTrip convenience store and a nearby liquor store were damaged and looted. A fire was set behind the liquor store, according to reporters on the scene. There were multiple reports of gunfire.

Alderman Antonio French of the 21st Ward in St. Louis, posted several Vine videos on Twitter Sunday night showing looters smashing windows and carrying off goods. A little after midnight he tweeted that the looting had spread to neighboring Dellwood.

“My son just turned 18 and graduated from high school, and he don’t bother nobody,”

Ferguson police called in an extra 60 officers as well as police from all surrounding jurisdictions. St. Louis city police were assisting by answering calls in St. Louis County, and a St. Louis SWAT team was staging.

Around 8 p.m. Central Time, people began gathering at the scene where the shooting occurred. One group of young men broke off to spray paint “R.I.P. Michael” on the street, and others placed candles, flowers and a teddy bear at the exact location where Brown was killed.

Earlier in the day, shouts of “No justice, no peace” and “We want answers” nearly drowned out a news conference as St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar detailed the shooting.

It began with an altercation involving two men and the officer around noon Saturday, Belmar said. One of the men pushed the officer into his patrol car, there was a scuffle inside the car over the officer’s gun, and the officer fired one shot inside the cruiser.

Seconds later, outside the cruiser, he fired several more shots and 18-year-old Michael Brown lay dead.

Brown was unarmed, and all the shell casings found on the ground were from the officer’s gun, Belmar said.

I guess this is why they decided mud huts were the best type of dwelling to live in.

Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, said Sunday she doesn’t understand why police didn’t subdue her son with a club or Taser. She said police have not explained why the officer confronted him.

“I would like to see him fired,” McSpadden said. “I would like to see him go to jail with the death penalty.