Ted “If You Will Not Stand with Israel and the Jews, Then I will Not Stand with You” Cruz

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2016

Never forget that Ted Cruz is a filthy Jew-loving extremist.

In late 2014, Bread Cruz gave a speech to Middle Eastern Christians and was booed off the stage for continually praising the evil Jew parasite.

It looks as though Cruz is probably going to be Trump’s VP. Trump has not come out hard against the filthy Jews, but he has shown that he doesn’t care about their terrorist agendas, and has mocked them for being greedy merchants. He has also promoted the total opposite of their policies in the Middle East.

Other than Cruz’ Jew-love, he is not the worst of the worst. He is ostensibly anti-faggot, anti-immigrant, anti-war and pro-gun, which separates him from the rest of the GOP.

Hopefully, he is just a spineless opportunist. If this is the case, he will have no problem getting on-board with Trump’s agenda. But if he is truly a hardcore lover of the filthy Jews, we will have a problem.