Teen Breaks Into White Woman’s House While She Was Asleep and Threatens to Kill Her

Daily Stormer
February 25, 2018

Teens these days, jeez man jeez.

Local 10:

A Plantation woman was recently sleeping at her home when she woke up to find a robber in her bedroom.

“This young child came in my house and was threatening to kill me. You know, just, I wake up and there is somebody in my room that does not belong there,” Heather Goenaga said.

Goenaga said she was sleeping at about 10 a.m. Jan. 30 after working a long shift at the hospital when she was awakened by the sound of footsteps.

“It’s just so brazen, and I feel so unsafe that this could happen,” Goenaga said. “He put a hoodie over his head and clasped it at the nose and went, ‘Shh.’ He told me he had a gun and was going to blow my brains out all over the sheets, not to yell, not to say anything. My dog jumped up in front of me and he hit us both and came around to the other side of my bed.”

Goenaga said the thief demanded money and valuables while continuously making threats toward her.