Daily Stormer
May 27, 2014

Alyssa Funke, 19, bought a shotgun and committed suicide on her family’s boat on a suburban St. Paul lake in April just two weeks after the skin flick hit porn site Casting Couch.
The straight-A student at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls was inundated with taunts on Twitter and Facebook after former classmates at Stillwater High School found the flick and huddled around in groups to see her baring it all, KMSP-TV reported.
“I’m Stella Ann. I’m 18, from Minnesota, and I’m really looking forward to get started,” the nervous teen tells an unseen camera operator as she sat on the “casting couch” during filming in Las Vegas earlier this year. “I want to be a major in biology, minor in chemistry, and I want to be an anesthesiologist,” the brainy beauty says during her interview.
Shortly after, she strips down and has on-camera sex.
Her former classmates were unflinching in the cruel taunts they sent her way.
“Wow your (sic) a thot,” wrote one, including a slang acronym for “that ho over there.” Another wrote, “Does her dad know?”
“Nothing brings a school together like a pornstar who graduated last year,” chimed in a third.
The Jewish porno industry is responsible for untold suffering, both in the lives of those who produce it and in the lives of those who consume it.