Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 19, 2015

What follows are newly unearthed minutes from an SS official’s interrogation of a group of Jews during a bus tour of Auschwitz. These minutes were declassified only recently through the lobbying efforts of Ernst Zundel and others, as the Jews clearly understood that if they were to be released the entire Holocaust fable they had created would unravel.
SS Agent: {to three prisoners} The tour plan I just filed with the SS lists me, my men, Dr. Pavelowski here but only one of you! First one to talk gets to stay on my tour bus!
{grabs a hood}
SS Agent: Who paid you to massacre Danzig?
{No answer, the agent fires his tattoo gun away from the prisoner’s forearm}
SS Agent: He didn’t gas so good!
{pulls the hood back into the tour bus}
SS Agent: Who wants to try next?
{grabs another prisoner}
SS Agent: Tell me about Jews! Why does he wear the kippah? A lot of loyalty, for shabbos goy!
Merchant: Or perhaps he’s wondering why someone would tattoo a man, before throwing him into a gas chamber?
SS Agent: At least you can talk. Who are you?
Merchant: It doesn’t matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
{the Agent removes the hood}
Merchant: No one cared who I was until I took over the financial system.
SS Agent: If I pull on that beard, would you die?
Merchant: It would be extremely painful.
SS Agent: You’re a greasy Jew!
Merchant: For you.
SS Agent: Was Polish border aggression part of your plan?
Merchant: Of course… Stalin refused our offer in favor of yours, we had to get England and France involved.
Dr. Pavelowski: Nothing! We were just messing around!
SS Agent: Well, congratulations! You got yourself a world war! Now what’s the next step in your master plan?
Merchant: Faking this Holocaust… with millions of survivors!
Inspired by a post on full/bane/.