Twelve Dead in Terrorist Attack on French Satire Magazine

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2015

Is this what you wanted, France?
Is this what you wanted, France?

This magazine regularly mocked Moslems, and it’s latest Tweet was a cartoon picture of the leader of ISIS.

So this could be the first official organized ISIS attack on Europe. And it won’t be the last.  These are presumably going to be daily soon enough.  Especially in France.


At least two gunmen have attacked the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing a number of people, French media report.

Witnesses spoke of sustained gunfire at the office as the attackers opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles.

Surely, it’s sad this has to happen, but every time it does, more people look around at each other and ask exactly what the hell is going on with this invasion agenda.

Because what is the point? Who can even explain it?

And when people are trying to explain it, all roads lead to a hooked-nose merchant.