Tennessee: UTC Student Government President Resigns Over Bolshevist Purging of Trump Supporters

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 13, 2016


Chalkgate continues, as student across America are demanding Donald Trump be installed as dictator of America and the Canadian territories, at which point he will build a wall and eject on bean people and towelheaded goat fetishists.

Last week at the University of Tennessee Chatanooga, a female student government official was forced out for having used chalk to demand Trump become The Leader and build the wall.

Now, the official


Monday, the UTC Student Government Association president-elect released a statement saying he no longer wants to be associated with the organization.

This follows the chalking incident on campus that left the campus divided.

It all started when students chalked a sidewalk without permission from UTC administration last week.

The chalk read “Trump 2016” and “Build a Wall”.

A campus political group “Empower UTC” says a SGA Senator, Hailey Puckett, was one of the students.

Some students were outraged, saying someone in her position shouldn’t be able to openly express her opinion.

Moe Hunt, a freshman, says he wasn’t upset by the chalk, but did think someone in a student leadership position should be more mindful of her political statements.

“I think in a way it can be unfair. When you, if you run for SGA you have to assume you’re always going to be in a neutral position. That’s what you embody because when the student body has an issue you’re supposed to look at each side,” Hunt explained.

Then, Empower UTC asked Puckett to step down.

Monday, it was president-elect Phillip Stubblefield who announced he no longer wanted to be a campus leader.

Students took to Twitter to show their support for Stubblefield asking him to reconsider.

Some think given the drama between SGA members so far, it is best for someone to step down.

“He could be saying, she did this and I’m going to take it upon myself to step down or not assume this role,” Hunt said.

We reached out to the SGA. The organization says it will hold a run off election for president next week.

Here’s his resignation letter:
