Tens of Thousands of Cocksucking Crisis Actors Descend on America, Demand Goyim be Disarmed

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 24, 2018


Here’s just a small fraction of the insanity that occurred.

David Hogg delivered a ridiculous speech rambling about democracy complete with a Communist fist salute.

And after the speech he talked about starting a revolution even though his political stance on guns is 100 percent endorsed by the Jewish power structure.

The bald spic Emma Gonzalez also gave a speech complete with tears and emotional gibberish. The long moment of silence seemed to be a big hit among the impressionable females in attendance.

There was also this. One of the other Parkland speakers vomited in the middle of her speech demanding gun control! How embarrassing!

And here’s a few archived live streams that covered the Washington DC march. The speakers delivered a variety of nauseating speeches. What’s clear when watching these streams is that many millions of dollars in Jewish money was funneled into this event. This was not some grassroots event. It was all professionally planned.

Original Article:

It begins.

God help us all.

Daily Mail:

Crowds have begun to gather in Washington DC ahead of the historic March for Our Lives protest against gun violence which has heralded by the Parkland shooting survivors who organized it as a ‘revolution’. 

The event is being led by the student survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on February 14 when 17 were slaughtered by a teenage gunman carrying a legally-purchased AR-15.

Some 700 other events are being held around the world in solidarity, but it is the DC march students hope will finally force congress to change gun laws.

The DC march will officially start at noon on Pennsylvania Avenue between 3rd street and 12th street NW.  By 8.30am, large groups began to form in anticipation of the event.

Other protests are forming in New York City, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and, notably, Parkland in Florida where 35,000 are expected to come together.

David Hogg, one of the Stoneman Douglas survivors who has been at the forefront of the issue ever since, spoke confidently about the event on Saturday morning in an early interview with GMA.

‘Today we are going to start a revolution. This is the beginning of a lifelong marathon not only for me but for my generation. 

This is what happens when Jews give women “rights.”

You enter into a dictatorship of feelings, where the official government policy is “I don’t like the way this makes me feel.”