Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2015
The Jew Jon “Stuart” Liebowitz has stepped down from his position as host of the Daily Show, and of course, it would have been racist to replace the host with another… Jew… so they hired a Black guy. What’s more, a Black guy from South Africa.
Trevor Noah, who prides himself on the fact that he is a quarter Jewish, debuted on Monday, and the reviews have been semi-scathing, but reserved, because no one wants to be accused of racism.
Obviously the show is going to fail. Not only has every Black talk show host failed (besides Oprah), but this Black is particularly unfunny. There are some Blacks who are funny to a White audience (Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, etc.), but the basic appeal is that they are Black, and Whites are interested in the differences between us. This interest does not translate to a daily show about politics such as The Daily Show.
Most Black comedy is marketed specifically to Blacks (Tyler Perry, etc.), which make up enough of the population in America, and thus this can be profitable. Obviously the Daily Show had a majority White audience already, as it was SJW comedy and politics, but even Blacks are not going to want to watch this, because they will be more repulsed by this faggy-talking foreign Black than anyone.
The entire SJW establishment is banking on this, but just watch the clip above. It’s doomed.

I have no doubt that there is many an SJW who will force themselves to watch this for a couple weeks, pretending they like it, to try to prove to themselves and their peers just how non-racist they are. But they will only be able to keep that up for so long.
The ratings are not simply going to drop sharply, they are going to collapse completely. 100% sure of this.
It will be funny when that happens.
Like when they put that Black guy in charge of McDonald’s and it lost money for like the first time in its history. Or when they put that Black guy in charge of Centcom and he could only get 4 or 5 guys of an intended 5,000 into the country to fight Assad and ISIS after spending half a billion dollars.