Terrible: Swedes Charged in Gold Heist

Daily Stormer
March 13, 2015

The Swedish People: A race of brown-skinned Moslem criminals
The Swedish People: A race of brown-skinned Moslem criminals

Yeah, yeah, they do heists with machine guns. Sure. But do you even bother to consider the enrichment? What about all the restaurants and… you know… other ways they do the enrichment?

The Local:

Seven Swedish men have been charged for robbing a goldsmiths in Oslo last year in carefully planned heist which saw them speed away with 1.4m kroners worth of jewellery.

The gang, allegedly led by a 23-year-old Swedish citizen of Iranian origin, struck Sheikh Enterprises in Oslo’s immigrant-heavy Grønland district in broad daylight, keeping employees and customers at bay with an AK-47 machine gun.

According to Norwegian newspaper VG, four masked men stormed into the shop shouting “down”, “down”, then smashed the glass counters with crowbars, and began shovelling jewellery into their bags.

Moments afterwards, a fifth man arrives with the machine gun.

The group wore black balaclavas, ski goggles and identical uniforms of black trousers and black jackets.

They came prepared with protective gloves to avoid cutting their hands on the broken glass.

After the robbery, the men jumped into a black Audi with Swedish plates, which was waiting outside, and, after the shooting warning shots into the air from the weapon, sped away.

The five perpetrators were seized in Stockholm only three weeks after the robbery in a coordinated raid by Swedish and Norwegian police.