In Which a New Operation Begins
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 7, 2015

As I have been warning for a while now, the Jew-run liberal left is in the process of ramping up propaganda demanding that freedom of speech be abolished in America. Ending free speech is, rather obviously, going to be a key policy of the coming Madam Clinton Regime. But taking our guns was a key policy of the Obama Regime, and yet I have a legal but unregistered Kel-Tec 9 mm in each of my hands as I type this – so these fights can be won.
And the freedom of speech fight must be won. Because we are the last White country with freedom of speech, the last place we can legally press these issues. We need to be prepared to fight for our freedom when it comes under attack, and the vanguard attackers are not the government, but slick propaganda in the Jew media.
One such slick propaganda piece came across my desk today – an op-ed in Al-Jazeera by a radical drug-using terrorism-supporter named Malcolm Harris entitled “Americans Have Nothing to Learn from Nazis.” The piece forwards the idea that free speech must be crushed violently.
Hilarious and shocking is the premise of the article – he begins by praising violent acts of terrorism against gatherings of people he labels “Nazis,” then goes on to say that the reason Nazis must be silenced is that they could be violent. The thing goes into ultra-mind-boggler when you realize that Harris is a self-identifying “anarchist,” against the existence of the state. but he wants to use the state to shut down people’s right to free thought and expression.
Darkness falls on the Western soul.
Harris begins:
On Jan. 22, Jason Hammond accepted a noncooperating plea deal from prosecutors in Cook County, Illinois: He will serve 41 months for his role in an organized assault on a casual dining establishment in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park. On May 19, 2012, Hammond and 17 others stormed the Ashford House restaurant with bats and hammers, interrupting lunch and leaving 10 people injured. But instead of years in jail, America should perhaps consider sending Hammond a thank-you card.
Now, presumably, when you read that last line there you expect that later in the article, Harris is going to explain to us why we should send this terrorist a thank-you card. Spoiler alert: that never happens.
Jason Hammond was part of an anti-racist terrorist attack on the Illinois European Heritage Association, which the lunatic Harris refers to as a “Neo-Nazi” organization.
Here’s a local news report about the incident:
Here is the video tape of the attack itself:
That event, right there, is what this man is claiming is a heroic act to be celebrated: a gang of masked men in their twenties rushing a bunch of old guys sitting around at a restaurant and beating them with hammers. Let that sink in for a second.
This attack, I am certain, is bigger than any organized act of violence that Nazis have engaged in since the fall of the Third Reich.
Harris then goes on to praise “antifa” groups for their long history of using violence and coercion to silence people who disagree with their beliefs.
White supremacists have found a comfy home on Stormfront and other Internet forums, but a real movement requires in-person meetings. The Jason Hammonds of the world have made this very difficult for them. Whenever “race realists” plan to gather in public, the standard antifa operating procedure is to call the venues, inform them that the “heritage” groups they’re planning to host are actually bunches of neo-Nazis and give them the chance to cancel. Larger companies usually do; the 2010 American Renaissance national conference, for example, was forced out of the Sheraton and into a strip mall Bertucci’s. When venues agree to host despite the warning, antifascists find other ways to put a halt to white supremacist organizing.
Because of their militant tactics, antifa associations also end up doing a lot of prisoner support. Five other participants in the Tinley Park action agreed to similar pleas in January 2013, and all are now out on parole. When push comes to shove, the police are always willing to defend neo-Nazis in suits from anarchists in hoodies. You can host a fascist meet-up, but God forbid you try to stop it by breaking a window.
What derangement are we dealing with here – “how dare the cops side with people chatting peacefully, rather than the terrorists trying to strip them of their basic human rights of free association and speech”?
Following his open praise of violent acts of terrorism by people who believe the government shouldn’t exist, he goes on to explain why the government needs to silence people’s free speech in order to prevent violence.
American liberalism prides itself on making space available for all, including white supremacists, as in the 1969 Supreme Court decision Brandenburg v. Ohio, which affirmed the Klan’s right to rally on public streets. But when liberalism protects white nationalists against those who seek to disrupt their vile, anti-liberal activities, what does our system hope to gain?
The ostensible reason for this free speech for extremism is to keep the marketplace of ideas open. Any restrictions on the peaceful exchange of words leads to a chilling effect, and when we’re afraid to say what we think, the best ideas might die on cold tongues. Recent American history — especially the parts we’re proud of — is filled with unpopular ideas whose advocates struggled their way into the status quo. As prominent civil libertarian Cass Sunstein writes of free speech in his book “Why Societies Need Dissent,” “Better outcomes can be expected from any system that creates incentives for individuals to reveal information to the group.”
But liberals are making a category error: White supremacy isn’t a source of information; it’s among the most dangerous lies ever conceived. White nationalism has no kernel of truth for us to unearth through discussion and debate. In the marketplace of ideas, it’s strawberry-flavored rat poison. Fascism has nothing to offer, and we have zilch to gain from hearing out fascists. We may, however, have a lot to lose.
There’s no such thing as nonviolent Nazis. Their only role in a free society is planning to overthrow it. Liberalism asks that we treat speech the way the government does, remaining agnostic with regard to its content as long as it doesn’t incite imminent lawless action. The liberal argument goes that the answer to bad speech isn’t censorship or force but better speech. No matter that white nationalists are using the Constitution as cover to organize against the document’s declared values; the rules still protect them. There’s a lot of self-satisfaction in this pose, but it’s staggeringly vulnerable. Neo-Nazis pursuing an entryist strategy join the military and other state institutions, gaining access to training and recruitment opportunities and biding their time. In the event of social upheaval, white nationalists plan to be prepared.
There’s no liberty to be gained by dancing the public-sphere polka with white nationalists, whether they’re wearing loafers or jackboots. Anti-fascists like Jason Hammond don’t blind themselves to history or bind their hands with liberal tolerance. They know that now, as before, the swastika belongs under a hammer. As fascist elements organize, the violence required to confront and marginalize them only increases. As the antifa group One People’s Project puts it, “Hate has consequences.” Better to fight now.
This is what we are dealing with.
I will note here that Elizabeth Brown at the Libertarian magazine Reason mentioned Harris’ piece in a piece she did defending free speech, and Harris whined that “oh, I wasn’t arguing for hate-speech laws, I was merely arguing for terrorist acts of violence.”

I don’t think that is what is said in his article, as he clearly cites legal precedents and then says why he disagrees with them, directly implying that he does believe the law should be different than it is. I think he just realized how absolutely retarded it was to be an anarchist arguing that the government take away more freedoms when he was called out, so then backtracked and claimed he’d been misunderstood.
One thing he does do for certain is openly support all different types of terrorism, making it hilarious that a Moslem-owned magazine published his article.
His Twitter feed is filled with endless promotion of drug use and insane calls for acts of violence. Here this lunatic is talking about “targeting” district attorneys in a Tweet from a few hours ago:

Note: Yes, Malcolm Harris is a particularly ridiculous example of an anti-free speech activist, given that he advocates violence against non-violent individuals who he suspects without reason may commit violence, but these are the same basic arguments used by the mainstream movement against speech – the idea that “hate” leads to violence and so violence must be used against them first.
Operation: Fight Me, You Faggot
I trust, brothers, that you understand the seriousness of what we are dealing with here.
It is clear that some sort of action needs to be taken against the homo, and that needed action is clear: demand that this advocate of the use of violence to silence speech meet the belt-holding champion of free speech, prominent pacifist and publisher of the Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin, in a Wal-Mart parking lot at night for a bare-knuckles boxing match.
This will be called “Operation: Fight Me, You Faggot.”
Because I think it is less than probable this ballsless metro-fag has the balls to meet in a parking lot for a final showdown, I have a second option: he can defend his beliefs in the octagon of the mind: we can have a debate on a radio network of his choosing.
You can make either or both demands on his Twitter @BigMeanInternet. You can also visit his website, The New Inquiry, and post comments, or email him at
Beyond this, I would think we should be able to demand a response from Al-Jazeera as to why they are openly endorsing violent acts of terrorism.
A letter, for example this:
To Whom It May Concern,
I was highly disturbed to find that you are openly endorsing acts of violent terrorism for political ends by publishing a recent op-ed piece from Malcolm Harris entitled “America has Nothing to Learn from Nazis.”
In this op-ed, Harris explicitly calls for acts of terrorism, citing one incident where multiple civilians eating at a restaurant were beaten with hammers by a gang as a heroic act.
I understand that you do not necessarily endorse opinions in opinion pieces, but surely you understand that in many Western countries this content is illegal under incitement to violence legislation, and what’s more, by publishing material encouraging acts of terrorism, you are not defending a right to opinion but putting lives at risk. Should someone follow the advice published in your column and carry out acts of terrorism, you will have blood on your hands and I do hope you are held legally responsible.
Please explain to me and your readers why it is you believe you have a right, as a foreign news entity, to promote terrorism in America.
A Reader
or something you draw up yourself, can be sent to the following email addresses:,,,,,
I would also be interested in what the Federal Authorities of the United States have to say about why this man is on the loose and apparently openly planning terrorist attacks in Moslem-owned newspapers.
The only reason that our people get investigated over internet postings is that the SPLC and the ADL have teams of people watching our sites ready to pounce on any little slip up. Meanwhile, Harris can publicly call for terrorism on a major mainstream news site and nothing happens because no one reports it and the FBI isn’t scanning this material themselves.
Let’s turn their tactics back on them.
Here’s a letter to send to the government:
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to bring to your attention a potential domestic terrorist. Anarchist American Malcolm Harris, who I understand has been involved in acts of violence before, has published an article on the Arabic website Al-Jazeera which celebrates acts of terrorism and calls for more such acts to be committed against Americans he views as political enemies.
The article, entitled “America has Nothing to Learn from Nazis,” can be viewed here:
Here on Twitter Harris talks about advocating violence, endorsing a 2012 terrorist attack in Illinois as the type of act he wants to see more of:
and here he talks about “targeting” district attorneys:
It is clear that Malcolm Harris is a threat to the safety of the people of this country, and is in the process of publicly planning acts of terrorism. I hope that the authorities of these United States will address this man before his words become actions and more innocent people are left hurt.
Thank You,
A Concerned Citizen
The FBI does not have an email, so this must be sent through this form. It only takes a minute, and your report will help prevent any more of our brothers suffering the type of violence you saw in the video above.
I would also encourage people to contact other mainstream “right-wing” news outlets with this information, see if they will do a report on it.
As Always – Spectacle!
Once again, this is a situation where spectacle is helpful. There can be no better posterchild for “anti-Nazism” and laws against free speech than this terrorist. He is the epitome of what all of these people are – belligerent, hate-filled lunatics intent on punishing anyone who dares question their entirely arbitrary value system.
So, we should make him known.

The importance of this cannot be overstated. This man has the intent on personally, physically harming each one of us in the short term, and in the long term erasing us from existence. Those are his stated goals.
So do your worst. Updates to come as things happen.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin