Terrorist Mayor of London Demands Glorious Leader be Cockblocked Upon Entry to Cuck Island!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 30, 2017

The cueball-headed Islamic Occupation chieftain of Cuck Island has come out and joined the whining crowds of faggots calling for Trump to be cockblocked upon landing.

This is an elected official of a “first world” country demanding that the Prime Minister refuse to meet with the President of the United States.

Mirror Online:

London Mayor Sadiq Khan – the first Muslim mayor of a major western city – has demanded Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK is cancelled.

He told Sky News: “I am quite clear, this ban is cruel, this ban is shameful, while this ban is in place we should not be rolling out the red carpet for President Trump.

“I don’t think he should be coming on a state visit while the ban is in place, I couldn’t be clearer.”

He said the ban “flies in the face of the values” the US was built on.

“The US was built on Sharia Law.”

He added: “I’m pleased that the Prime Minister has now said she and the Government do not agree with President Trump’s policy, which will affect many British citizens who have dual nationality, including Londoners born in countries affected by the ban.

“I will work with the Government on behalf of Londoners affected.”

Theresa May is under increasing pressure to send a clear and firm message to Trump that Britain condemns the ban.

A quarter of a million people have signed a Government petition calling for the visit to be cancelled.

And the Prime Minister was yesterday criticised for not condemning the new rules but a spokesman later said she “does not agree” with the so called Muslim ban.

But when asked if the invitation for Trump to visit would be withdrawn, Number 10 said: “We extended the invitation and it was accepted.”

This is an absolutely insane conversation to be having.

But over on Cuck Island, they don’t have conversations based on whether or not they are insane or not. They have conversations based on how it is perceived the conversation will affect the feelings of brown people.

I believe Trump will need to stage a hostile takeover of Britain within the next couple of months.

We shall liberate our comrades from the disease which entangles them.