Terrorist Mizzou Female Professor Click Finally Charged with Assault

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2016


Perhaps the most iconic scene from the Mizzou chimpout disaster last year was the video of a red-haired, Jewy-looking female professor leading a lynch-mob against a journalist who she claimed was not allowed in the “safe space” tent city the Negroes had claimed on public area on campus.

I have no idea why it took months for her to face assault charges, as there was clearly no question about what was going on in the video which was seen by millions of people.


ABC 17 News has confirmed a MU Communication professor has been charged with class C or 3rd degree assault for her actions during the MU campus protests this past fall.

ABC 17 News confirmed Monday night through her lawyer Chris Slusher that Dr. Melissa Click will plead “not guilty” to that charge. Slusher said they will waive her arraignment as well.

Interim Chancellor Hank Foley announced Monday afternoon that Click will keep her job for the time being.

Of course.

Because after all, she was just defending Blacks against the free press.


Their feelings were hurt and they felt scared.

Foley said she is currently working from home and will continue to do so the rest of the week.

Foley said a task force made up of scholars, MUPD, administrators, and students will sort through everything that happened on November 9. The task force will help determine if any other action will need to be taken.

“When we deviate from our processes, we tend to make mistakes. We have our ways of doing things that are not hasty,” said Foley in regard to the task force process.

“People are held accountable for their actions at the University. This is not being looked over.”

Foley said “Dr. Click is frankly aggrieved by this. I doubt she would do anything like this again.”

MU Police gave documents to prosecutors on its investigation into Click back in November.

Some MU faculty voiced their support for Click in a signed letter, but several lawmakers called for her termination earlier this month.

Columbia State Representative Caleb Jones told ABC17 News the charges are appropriate. “While the University of Missouri seems to have no accountability the judicial system in Missouri does,” said Jones.

Oh, they have accountability: both the President and Chancellor stepped down in response to unfounded allegations of people being called names and a poop swastika.

Last week, a member of the UM Board of Curators joined the call for her firing.

You can read and watch complete coverage on the MU campus protests here.

The punishment for third degree assault is listed as up to 15 days in jail and up to a $500 fine according to several defense attorney websites.

Better late than never, I suppose.

And better some charge than no charge – she obviously deserves to be charged with inciting mob violence.

Here’s the now-classic video, where the Chinaman Tim Tai is mob attacked on the orders of Click.