Terrorists Flood America as Evil Seditious Judge Undermines Our President’s Orders

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 4, 2017

Look at these disgusting fucking animals. They do not care that this is our home. They do not care that we live here. They believe they have a right to come here and take what belongs to us. And there are people within our own country who wish to help them.

This is absolutely disgusting.

I’m so angry right now, I’m having a hard time typing.

LA Times:

The Department of Homeland Security said Saturday that it had suspended “any and all actions” related to President Trump’s travel ban on immigrants from seven mostly Muslim countries and his halt on refugees coming into the U.S.

The move came after a federal judge in Seattle issued a temporary restraining order against the major parts of Trump’s executive order, effective nationwide, in response to a lawsuit filed by the states of Washington and Minnesota.

“DHS personnel will resume inspection of travelers in accordance with standard policy and procedure,” the department’s statement said.

The State Department, which had “provisionally revoked” 60,000 visas since the president signed his Jan. 27 order, said Saturday that it had started re-accepting those visas from people in the countries affected.

Trump’s White House has said it will ask for an emergency stay of the judge’s order, and argued that the president’s actions were lawful.

“The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!” Trump said amid a series of early morning tweets.

Some travelers in countries affected by the suspension already were being allowed to board planes headed to the U.S., as foreign airlines started telling passengers Saturday that the immigration ban had been lifted.

Filthy bloodsucking fucking sewer leeches.

These people are lower than any rat or insect.

Can you even imagine the nerve?

Why do they want to come to a country that does not want them?

Because they can get money. They can get free things. They can live like kings, fleeing their own disgusting wastelands.

These people believe that we exist purely to serve them. They believe that everything that our ancestors built for us, they can walk in and take away.

And I’ll tell you what.

The women out there standing in solidarity with these rabid dogs are at least as vomit-inducing.

“Visitors with a passport issued by 7 countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — and holding a valid immigrant or non-immigrant visa for the U.S. are again allowed to travel to the USA,” German airline Lufthansa said in a message to passengers.

Of course.

The Germans.

Helping their precious killers and rapists hurt us.


At Beirut’s Rafic Hariri Airport, from which Syrian travelers often fly, operators said it was back to business as usual.

“There are no more issues in this regard,” an agent said. Middle East Airlines, Lebanon’s national carrier, confirmed that visa holders would be able to travel to the U.S. with no restrictions.

In Washington, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi applauded the move to halt enforcement of the ban.

“This administration’s recklessness has already done significant harm to families, and undermined our fight against terror,” she said in a statement. “For the sake of our values and the security of America, Democrats will continue to press for this dangerous and unconstitutional ban to be rescinded or overturned.”

The judge’s order on Friday came in response to a lawsuit filed by the state of Washington and joined by Minnesota. The suit argued that the president’s moves had amounted to religious discrimination against Muslims in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

The judge did not address the substance of those legal arguments, but suggested in court that the states had a good chance of winning their case.

This is so absolutely fucking retarded.

The US Constitution was not written for non-citizens. This isn’t some international declaration of rights of all people in the world to come to our country.

Not to mention the fact that the frames of the Constitution are rolling in their graves at us having allowed even a single Moslem into our country.

If the Constitution somehow did say that Moslems from everywhere in the world should be allowed to flood our country and suck our blood while they kill and rape our people, then it would be a useless, idiotic document to begin with and should then be abolished.

The Trump administration has argued that the travel ban was intended to help guard against terrorism as better, “extreme vetting” procedures were put into place.

“At the earliest possible time, the Department of Justice intends to file an emergency stay of this order and defend the executive order of the president, which we believe is lawful and appropriate,” a White House statement said. “The president’s order is intended to protect the homeland and he has the constitutional authority and responsibility to protect the American people.”

I believe it is time for martial law.

The judge needs to be arrested for sedition, the people who filed the suit need to be arrested for sedition, and every single last grease-ridden, pig-faced Islamic animal occupying this once-glorious nation needs to be rounded up and thrown out.





Legal experts said the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which would review any request from the White House for a stay, may not be friendly to it.

“The 9th Circuit has a group of three judges who sit together all month hearing any motions that get filed …. The motions panel looks like a very good panel for the plaintiffs, but we’ll see what happens,” said Margo Schlanger, a law professor at the University of Michigan who served as the head of civil rights for the Department of Homeland Security under President Obama.

Margo Schlanger: the most disgusting kike you’ve ever laid eyes on.

And that’s saying something.

But just look:

If a virus took human form, that is the face you would expect it to have.

And in fact a virus did take human form.

Arrest this bitch for sedition, Trump.

This is our home.

Schlanger predicted a long court battle that could end up in the U.S. Supreme Court. Already, several federal courts have issued emergency stays against portions of the executive order as dozens of lawsuits proceed against it.

For the moment, activists and state officials opposed to Trump’s move were celebrating.

“The law is a powerful thing. It has the ability to hold everyone accountable to it, and that includes the president of the United States,” Washington state Atty. Gen. Bob Ferguson said at a news conference after the court decision.

The Seattle judge’s order goes further than a ruling earlier this week from a Los Angeles federal judge that also suspended Trump’s immigration ban. The latest ruling orders a temporary stop to nearly every major portion of the administration’s action, including the 120-day ban on all refugee admissions, indefinite suspension of the admission of Syrian refugees, and preference for refugees who are members of persecuted religious minorities. Also affected is a blanket, 90-day block on admission of citizens from the seven countries.

“The government must comply with this court order, but it’s only a temporary solution. Congress must step in immediately to block this dangerous and discriminatory Muslim ban for good,” Amnesty International USA spokesman Eric Ferrero said in a statement.

Dear Moslems,

You are not welcome in the United States.

We do not want you here.

This is our home.

We understand that you were told you were welcome to come and feed off our blood, because your own countries are such utter shit, but that is now over.

We do not want you here.

This is our home.

You have your own countries, which you can live in. The United States is not a destination where you are to be handed free money. It is not a place for you to come and run scam businesses. It is not a place where you are welcome.

It is our home.

And we live here.

But fear not, brothers.

Our Champion is in control.

He will protect us. He will protect our home.

He will not let us down, for he is moved by the hand of almighty God Himself.

Hail Our Leader.

Hail Our People.

Hail Victory.