Texas: Based Troll Takes Over Travis County GOP

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 3, 2016


Robert Morrow, hero of the people.

Donald Trump has paved the way for trolls to fill the ranks of the GOP.

This is a hostile takeover. It’s our party now.

The Texas Tribune:

The newly elected chair of the Republican Party in the county that includes the Texas Capitol spent most of election night tweeting about former Gov. Rick Perry’s sexual orientation and former President Bill Clinton’s penis, and insisting that members of the Bush family should be in jail.

He also found time to call Hillary Clinton an “angry bull dyke” and accuse his county vice chair of betraying the values of the Republican Party.

“The people have spoken,” Robert Morrow, who won the helm of the Travis County GOP with 54 percent of the vote, told The Texas Tribune. “My friends and neighbors and political supporters — they wanted Robert Morrow.”

Morrow’s election as Republican chair of the fifth-largest county in Texas left several members of the Travis County GOP, including vice chair Matt Mackowiak, apoplectic. Mackowiak, a Republican strategist, immediately announced over social media that he would do everything in his power to remove Morrow from office.

See, that’s the thing.

This whole “democracy” concept is now backfiring on you cucks.

We’re in charge.

“We will explore every single option that exists, whether it be persuading him to resign, trying to force him to resign, constraining his power, removing his ability to spend money or resisting any attempt for him to access data or our social media account,” Mackowiak told the Tribune. “I’m treating this as a coup and as a hostile takeover.”

“Tell them they can go fuck themselves,” Morrow told the Tribune.

Mackowiak said he was especially uncomfortable with the prospect of Morrow engaging in local politics, the core function of the job to which Morrow was just elected.

“We have someone who ran here who absolutely has no intention of serving the Republican Party with leadership and faithfulness,” Mackowiak said. “His social media account is something that no child should see. He is a total disaster.”

“I will not rest until we remove him as chairman,” Mackowiak told the Tribune. “He’s going to be an absolute embarrassment to the party. And if we fail in these efforts, we will start an alternate organization.”

Even as Mackowiak attempts to unseat Morrow, Morrow has called Mackowiak’s own conservative credentials into question, especially because of recent tweets from Mackowiak that included the hashtag #NeverTrump.

“I don’t even think Mackowiak is going to support the Republican nominee, who is probably going to be Trump,” Morrow said. “What kind of traitor to the party is Matt Mackowiak? The incredible amount of damage someone like him does to the party — and he’s a douchebag.

Morrow, who’s also tweeted that Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is “very likely a gayman who got married,” said he supports the brand of Republican politics he most closely associates with Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz.

“The Republican Party, I would hope, is about limited government with a libertarian perspective,” Morrow said. “But it’s a big tent, and there are many factions in it, and that’s okay with me.”

Morrow’s main complaint is with “establishment” Republicans, who he does not believe should hold elected office, he said. Last week, he tweeted that the Republican National Committee was just a “gay foam party.”

Morrow has a long history of critiquing prominent state Republicans in vulgar, and often sexually explicit, terms. For years, he has alleged that Perry is secretly bisexual; in 2010, he referred to him as “Gov. Skank Daddy” in an email.

“Perry is an epic hypocrite,” he told the Tribune on Wednesday. “I think he has been a rampaging bisexual adulterer for many decades.”

Though Morrow has tweeted often about sexually explicit acts involving Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton and his last several Facebook profile pictures were of scantily clad women, he said he denies any charge that he is sexist.

“It’s derogatory toward Hillary Clinton because I hate Hillary Clinton,” he told the Tribune. “But I’m not sexist. Why would you ask that? I’m not sexist.”

“I like beautiful women, I celebrate feminine beauty,” Morrow added. “I’m like Donald Trump — I love women.”

When the Tribune asked about the content of some of Morrow’s social media posts, without using the specific racial slur Morrow had employed, Morrow seized on the omission as an example of corruption within the media.

“You are a perfect example of what the Trump movement is revolting against because you can’t even pronounce the word n—– when you are talking about a Facebook post,” Morrow said. “What a pathetic excuse for a reporter you are.”

“The context of the post is quite gentle, but maybe you’re not smart enough to figure that out,” he added.

Morrow did not spend much time campaigning for the position he now holds.

“I didn’t spend one penny,” he said. “I barely asked anyone to vote for me.”

Morrow will assume his party post in June.

Robert Morrow is friends with Roger Stone, a former adviser to Trump. Together they wrote a book called “The Clintons’ War on Women,” which was dedicated to Victor Thorn, a Holocaust denier who blames Jews for 911.

You understand what’s happening here.

He retweet this yesterday:


He also retweeted the video of the Jew Ben Shapiro saying racists should hunted down and have their lives destroyed.

We are taking over.

There is much, much more winning on the way.

Trolling for Victory

I want to note here that trolls are the popular force, which is successful – not people who try and be politically correct and self-censor. I get criticized by certain figures in the alt-right for being a troll. But so far, no non-troll figure in the alt-right has done anything that matters.

Meanwhile, Trump is a troll – about to take over the whole government. Robert Morrow is a troll – about to take over Texas.


We are in a new age. The development of technology has changed the entire paradigm of existence. You can’t be Mr. Super Serious Gentleman and have anyone care about anything you are saying.

This is why The Daily Stormer is the most popular pro-White site, while The Right Stuff is putting out the most popular podcasts.

People don’t want some boring explanation of racial IQ differences, or some long exposition on Hegel.

People want lols.