Texas: Christians Protest Menorah Lighting and Leaflet the Area with Jew-Aware Literature

Revisionist Review
December 20, 2014


Frisco, Texas, December 16, 2014 — Friends of Michael Hoffman, a scholar who has written extensively on the dark side of Judaism, held a demonstration on Hanukkah Eve at a Chabad Lubavitch menorah lighting event and at the home of a prominent Chabad rabbi.

Chabad-Lubvitch is the most politically connected, wealthy and powerful Orthodox Judaic group in America, often consulted by Presidents and “family values” Republican politicians and office-holders. Chabad is a radical Zionist group which termed Baruch Goldstein, the mass murderer of 40 Palestinians, a “Tzaddik” (saint). In the Tanya, Chabad’s canonical text, all gentiles are declared to be super-abundant trash. This is Chabad’s view of Arab people in particular.

The American media consistently report on Chabad in the most cosmetic and friendly terms; seldom giving any hint of its racism and hatred.

Concerning Hanukkah, Hoffman says, “It’s a Talmudic festival of Judaic self-worship presented as a Biblical commemoration of the Maccabees. John 10:22-23 refers to the Feast of the Dedication which celebrates the rededication of the Israelite temple in December 164 B.C., after its desecration by the pagan ruler Antiochus.” According to Hoffman, “1 Macc. 1:41-59 shows that, like the rabbis of our time, King Antiochus forbade the true worship of Yahweh and the correct use of the Scriptures. The attendance of Jesus at the Feast of the Dedication in no way implicated him in the perverted Talmudic Hanukkah, which came centuries later and which is dedicated to Judaic idolatry of themselves in defiance of Yahweh. Judaism mimics the religion of the Bible. It has a Moses, a Noah, and an 8 day festival. But these are not the Biblical Moses or Noah or 8 day festival,” Hoffman concluded.

What is this doing taking place anywhere outside of Jewland?

At Chabad’s “giant menorah lighting” staged Dec. 16 at the Frisco Heritage Center, local Christian activist Mickey Henry and associates distributed flyers on the true nature of Orthodox Judaism, contrary to the fantasies about Judaism promulgated by Protestant fundamentalists, neocon Catholics and the corporate media. Mr. Henry reports that “Judaics from all over the Dallas metroplex were there.” He and his group also “distributed the flyer to 24 houses on the rabbi’s street, including the rabbi’s…house itself.”

The media were contacted concerning the protest but complete suppression of all news concerning the counter-event seems to be the order of the day. Mr. Hoffman stated, “It is essential to the Talmudic power structure in the U.S. that news of a Christian educational movement to tell the truth about Judaism and its Hanukkah should be censored, lest it grow by leaps and bounds. May God richly bless Mickey Henry and his cohort. I hope many other Christians throughout our nation will emulate his fine example.”

The flyer disseminated by Henry’s group is available as a pdf file for copying and distribution — see this link. It also reproduced below.

Mr. Henry can be contacted at: christiansforconversionofjewsATgmail.com

(substitute @ for AT in the preceding address)

How we used to deal with them.