Daily Stormer
June 14, 2015

It is an obvious fact that we didn’t have these problems (maybe a fraction) when we were segregated in this country. It is a fact. Meaning no one disagrees with it. But you can’t say that or you lose your job and you’ll never be hired again.
Basically, your life is over if you state a self-evident fact on the internet.
Frenship Independent School District officials fired Karen Fitzgibbons, a fourth-grade teacher at Bennett Elementary School in Wolfforth, for making the controversial post, the district announced in a statement Thursday.
In the since-deleted post, Fitzgibbons decried the Tuesday resignation of McKinney Police Cpl. David Eric Casebolt, shown on video pointing his gun at two unarmed black teenagers and pinning a 15-year-old black girl clad in a swimsuit to the ground outside of a neighborhood pool in McKinney.
“I’m just going to just go ahead and say it…the blacks are the ones causing the problems and this ‘racial tension,'” Fitzgibbons wrote in the Facebook post. “I guess that’s what happens when you flunk out of school and have no education. I’m sure their parents are just as guilty for not knowing what their kids were doing; or knew and didn’t care.”
The elementary school teacher continued, “I’m almost to the point of wanting them all segregated on one side of town so they can hurt each other and leave the innocent people alone. Maybe the 50s and 60s were really on to [sic] something. Now, let the bashing of my true and honest opinion begin…GO! #imnotracist #imsickofthemcausingtrouble #itwasagatedcommunity”
People who state facts don’t just get viciously attacked anymore, Madam. They lose their careers and are labeled pariahs for the rest of their lives.
Someone should have told you that.
In a news release, officials said “Frenship ISD is deeply disappointed in the thoughtlessness conveyed by this employee’s post. “We find these statements to be extremely offensive, insensitive, and disrespectful to our Frenship community and citizens everywhere. These comments in no way represent the educational environment we have created for our students.”
The statement continued, “We hold our employees responsible for their public conduct even when they are not on active duty as district employees. Employees are held to the same professional standards in their public use of electronic media as they are for any other public conduct. This recent conduct was unacceptable.”
Fitzgibbons told the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal that the post “was not directed at any one person or group” and that she “apologized to the appropriate people.”
“It was not an educational post; it was a personal experience post,” Fitzgibbons told the Avalanche-Journal.
Your personal experiences are property of the government now.
And you must toe the line.