Texas: Fifth Mail Bomb Explodes in FedEx Office

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 20, 2018

They are setting this up to be a right-wing thing.

Trump attacked.

Daily Mail:

A package ‘containing nails and pieces of metal’ addressed to Austin has exploded inside a FedEx facility in a suburb of  San Antonio, Texas.

One member of staff suffered a mild injury in the explosion, which took place at a distribution center in Schertz, northeast of the city.

The package detonated as it was moving from one conveyor belt to another and the member of staff was not hit by the contents, local news reports.

The package detonated just before 12.30am, and the female staffmember was treated for a headache, according to CBS Austin.

The website reported that the package contained shrapnel made up of ‘nails and pieces of metal’.

Federal agents say the package is likely linked to attacks by what they believe is a serial bomber, which have left two dead and four injured in Austin, some 80 miles north-east of San Antonio. 

It comes as President Donald Trump was criticized for his silence over the Austin bombings, where most of the victims have come from Austin’s historically black and Latino neighborhoods.

Unlike other attacks, such as the Pulse nightclub shooting, which Trump was quick to label an act of terrorism, the president – normally quick to tweet his take on current events has remained quiet about the Austin bombs.

There is virtually no way this isn’t some kind of right-wing extremist – or a false flag of a right-wing extremist.

I don’t see what the hell else it could be.

Someone has to be willing to risk life in prison to kill random people. Why would they do that? There have to be extreme motivations.

Building a package bomb that doesn’t go off in transit and does explode upon opening is extremely complicated. I do not think there is really any way that this is brown people bombing other brown people. It has to be a white person, or a Jew, or maybe some kind of Moslem.

And these are not targets a Jew or a Moslem would choose.

Right now, the entire Alt-Right internet is being flooded with people talking about using terrorism. Young people are being groomst to commit these sorts of acts. With Iron March forum down, most of them are congregating on Gab and Discord servers.

I have seen the screenshots of what these people are saying, and the fact that they are not being arrested for it means they are either feds or are being purposefully allowed to do what they do by the feds.

But in all likelihood, this bomber will not be an actual fed, but someone who was groomst by a fed. Meaning that it will be a real event, an “Alt-Right terrorist.”

Certain people have allowed an entire culture of fed-posting to develop in certain circles on the internet, and this was bound to happen.

In particular, the group Atomwaffen and some others promoting the book “Siege” have been openly promoting terrorism online for several months.

These are posts from Atomwaffen members.

It’s a satanic doomsday cult that is obsessed with Charles Manson and wants to bring about a nuclear apocalypse, where they envision being possessed by demons and engaging in torture, cannibalism, rape, etc.

Initially, they appeared to be a nationalist meme-oriented group. But then the one of their members, having converted to Islam, killed two of his roommates. Then a member killed his girlfriend’s parents. Then a member killed a random Jew. It has now been documented on their own websites and chats that they are actually a satanic cult. They pretend to be “Nazis” so they can recruit people from the fringes of society.

They actually promote books which explain how to infiltrate far-right (and far left) groups and get them to commit acts of violence which they believe they get magic power from.

They have openly promoted allying with Antifa.

They promote a book called “Iron Gates” (featured in the above screenshot – here’s an excerpt from the book, which you can read at your own peril) which is about a satanic cult in a post-nuclear wasteland that wears skull masks and eats babies.

Their entire chat history has been released, where they talk about doing terrorism, which they believe gives them satanic powers.

This is a situation where it would be totally appropriate for the feds to arrest everyone involved and shut this group down. And yet, nothing.

The media hardly even talks about it.

With the most recent murder, the cops said Atomwaffen had nothing to do with it – despite the fact that the group aggressively promotes random murders.

Both ProPublica and the ADL have done reports on the group, but neither mention that they are a satanic Manson cult, instead framing them as white nationalists.

This is what a federal operation looks like.

The leader of the group, John Cameron Denton who goes by the name “Rape” said on podcast earlier this year that he hasn’t been contacted by the feds (which isn’t possible), but that if he was he would be happy to work with them.

Denton lives in Texas, not far from Austin, as do many of the members of Atomwaffen.

Honestly, I don’t even know what to say about it. None of us have any ability to stop this from happening, and yet we are going to to suffer the consequences for it.

I have no idea what the consequences are going to look like, but it is certainly going to be an excuse to use a whole lot more force against people in the Alt-Right.

Who knows. Maybe the mail bombs are some other thing. Maybe the bomber is just a crazy person, with no political motivations at all. But that seems very unlikely.

It’s very frustrating, being stuck in this position, seeing what is going on and having no ability to influence it. I guess this speaks to how effective we’ve been as a movement, that they have to sink to this level to get at us.