Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 17, 2015

A Texas police officer has murdered in cold blood an innocent Black woman who attacked him, presumably because he hated the pigmentation of her skin.
He hurt her feelings so badly that she hung herself – or did he hang her? The racist police have refused putting cameras in jail cells, presumably because they want to be able to randomly murder Blacks without digital proof.
Will America never change?
How many more innocent Black attackers have to be murdered by cops by committing suicide before we wise up and realize we are all equal?
A Texas trooper violated protocol during a traffic stop of a woman who was jailed and days later found dead in her cell in what a local sheriff’s department said was an apparent suicide, officials said.
The Texas Department of Public Safety said on Friday the trooper has been put on desk duty while the FBI and the Texas Rangers, a statewide police and investigation agency, probe the death of Sandra Bland, 28, an African-American.
Relatives and friends of Bland, who was found hanged in her Waller County jail cell on Monday, said they do not believe the official version given by the Waller County Sheriff’s Office.
Bland, from the Chicago suburb of Naperville, was arrested on July 10 for allegedly assaulting an officer during a traffic stop in Prairie View, northwest of Houston.
The trooper who made the arrest violated procedures and the agency’s courtesy policy, the Department of Public Safety said.
“At the conclusion of this investigation, any violations of protocols will be addressed,” it said in a statement that gave no further details.
And it is probable that the cops didn’t even murder her by hurting her feelings so bad she was forced to hang herself – it is more likely they killed her as part of a conspiracy, faking a suicide.
The cops would have done this because they harbor a deep hatred for the color of her skin.
Friends’ recollections and Sandra Bland’s own words present a picture of a young woman on the cusp of finding her niche in life. She seemed to have landed a perfect job. She had a voice and following on social media for speaking out about racial injustice and police brutality and was active in her community.
Even after one video surfaced showing the 28-year-old talking in March about depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, those who knew her said she would not have killed herself inside a Texas jail cell — not even over the confrontational traffic stop that led to her arrest, which mirrored the ones she railed against online.
“She was in good spirits. She was looking forward to what was next,” said friend and mentor LaVaughn Mosley, 57, adding that he was unaware of any struggles with depression. “She was making plans for the future, so there’s no way she was in a suicidal state.”
If this poor woman had never been brought here from Africa as a slave, this never would have happened to her.
I think it is finally time we start discussing allowing Blacks to return to Africa, so they can escape this endless oppression, microaggressions and murder.
On a serious note: I don’t mean to mock the suicide of a mentally ill woman. What I am mocking here is the way that the media and other Blacks are handling the situation. In my view, they are the ones mocking her death by making it a part of their racial take-over agenda. Holding White people responsible for Black psychological illness is characteristic of this entire blame Whitey program.
On a second serious note: This story isn’t going to gain traction like T-von, the cigarette thief or the cigarette salesman. The Jew media just throws this all out there and sees what sticks. This won’t stick. This woman has a history of mental illness, attacked an officer, then hung herself. The fact that the media would even suggest that this is some sort of racist conspiracy shows where we are with this whole thing.