Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2014

Breaking News: Jews are crying about their feelings, again.
The latest tear-fest comes after a Houston preacher read from the Bible.
Dr. Ed Young, senior pastor at Second Baptist Church, is under fire by the ADL for simply stating things said directly in the Bible about the Jew rats.
“We received complaints about it from people who saw it on television and were concerned about the words expressed,” said Martin Kominsky, southwest regional director for the Anti-Defamation League.
Young told the Jewish Herald Voice he was only quoting scripture, the apostle Paul from the Book of Romans in the New Testament, when he said, “Paul looks at the Jews and it’s almost like he’s saying, ‘I know how you Jews operate.‘” Moments later, Young said, “Paul says, ‘I know inside you are dirty and corrupt and manipulative and you are trying to work out your own salvation even in Judaism.”
Minutes later, the pastor said, “But the Jew took that floodlight, the oracles of God, the Torah, the word of God, and they shined it down almost just for them. They became exclusive and better than others and holier than thou.”
“These are historical references that have, over many years, led to peoples’ fear of the Jews and anti-Semitism,” Kominsky said. “And we’re concerned whenever those words are used that it will fuel all kinds of prejudice.”
Young’s remarks came during a sermon delivered in late September, not only before his congregation, but also on Second Baptist’s television broadcasts. The ADL says it received complaints from people who saw the broadcast, prompting it to join the rabbis in requesting a meeting with Young.
“Rhetoric like this can be used, can be misunderstood and can really portray Jews as evil and dangerous,” Kominsky said. “And at a time of global anti-Semitism, we’re concerned about anything like that.”
Young didn’t respond to KHOU’s calls for comment, although a spokesman said he’s been preparing a statement. But the Jewish Herald Voice quoted the pastor saying he was only citing passages from the Book of Romans in the New Testament.
“I join you in your lack of comfort …” he reportedly said. “You don’t have a better friend than Ed Young … I am a friend of Israel.”
Are Jews in the Bible not evil and dangerous? They set up a conspiracy to murder Jesus and successfully carried it through. Seems to me that based on that action, you can pretty well check both “evil” and “dangerous.”
What these Jew-loving pastors don’t understand is that by embracing the Christ-killing parasite people, they have made it so they can no longer preach even basic materials from their own religion. The entire New Testament is about a war between God and the Antichrist rats.
So all they are left with then is lightweight social commentary about gay marriage (itself a Jewish agenda) and all of science fiction material about the “end times.”
Christians all throughout history have hated the Jews both for killing Christ and for continuing the save evil behavior pattern. If these “pastors” want to keep things politically correct, they should start a new religion or join Scientology.
To their credit, many of these Jew-lovers do appear to be creating a new religion that is purely Jew-worship, devoid of any resemblance to traditional Christianity.