Daily Stormer
July 2, 2014

While the chief chimp is leading the Republicans along for the ride to Mexican Hell in America, a Texas representative is explaining what is right in front of our faces.
Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, warns that the United States will become a third world nation if the federal government does not enforce its immigration laws.
Speaking to “The Sean Hannity Show,” the Republican lawmaker said the country will be destroyed if the U.S. continues to allow thousands of immigrants to cross the border illegally.
“You’ve got to follow the law. You cannot bring hundreds of thousands of people in this country without destroying the country,” Gohmert told Hannity. “Then there’s no place that people can dream about coming.”
Gohmert stated that it’s the government’s job to defend the U.S. “against anybody that would overwhelm the country and bring it down.”
“It’s always been such an irony, though, that people would flee a country that’s got … drug cartels, people that ignore the law, or bribe people to look the other way,” Gohmert said. “So they don’t have jobs there so they come to the United States because we’ve mostly been a nation of laws where the rule of law matters. But then once they are here, they say now we want you to ignore the rule of law, which ironically is like the country they came from.”
Gohmert continued: “Either we’re going to enforce our law and remain strong economically and otherwise, or we ignore the rule of law and go to being a third world nation.”
Clearly, there is no possible way that mass third world immigration into a first world country can lead to anything other than the latter becoming the former.
Conversely, if a hundred million White Americans were to move to Mexico, it would only be a matter of a few years before that country reached the level of a first world country.
Everything that we are is in the blood. There is nothing else.