Andrew Angiln
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2014
A 17-year-old Texas boy, Jake Evans, murdered his mother and sister last October.

Recently, the court released a copy of his written confession, which explains, in some detail, that he did this because he repeatedly watched the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween, and realized that it would be easy to kill his family. In the confession, he cites the fact that they were “racist” as one of the key reasons he desired to murder them.

From the Daily Mail:
‘My plan was to kill my sister and my mom at my house and then go over to my grandparents and kill my oldest sister Emily and my two grandparents,’ Evans wrote.
Authorities have said his father was out of town at the time.
Evans, who was home schooled, said he argued with his 15-year-old sister, Mallory, that day after she made a racist comment, and he felt his family were becoming people he hated.
‘The people who are racists, bullies, and who are full of themselves are the really evil ones. And it amazes me because those three qualities are extremely common today.‘I was very sad because I felt like my own family were becoming the people I hate’, he wrote.
After hitting golf balls, running errands with his grandmother and watching television at home, Evans put a knife in his pocket and thought about killing Mallory, according to the statement.
But he decided to kill his mother and younger sister with a gun stolen from his grandfather so they wouldn’t feel pain, he wrote.
[…]At the time of the slayings, the 911 call was released in which Evans can be heard calmly explaining to the dispatcher what he did and why he did it.
He told her: ‘This is going to mess me up in the future…I told my sister that my mom needed her. She was in her room, and she came out of her room, and I shot her. And she rolled down the stairs and I shot her again.
‘And then I went down(stairs) and I shot my mom maybe three or four times.’

Here is a transcript of the 911 call:
911 Dispatch: Parker County 911, where is your emergency?
Jake Evans: Uh, my house.
911: What’s the emergency?
Evans: Uh, I just killed my mom and my sister.
911: What? How did you do that?
Evans: Uh, I shot them with a .22 revolver.
911: Are you sure they’re dead?
Evans: They’re dead.
911: Okay, I want you to stay on the phone with me. Are you alright?
Evans: Yeah, I’m alright. (The gun) is on the kitchen counter.
911: Jake, are you on any medication?
Evans: Uh, no. I’ve been going to the allergist, I’m on allergy medication. Other than Zyrtec and Advil and Pseudoephedrine, I don’t take anything else.
911: Is there any reason that you were so angry at your mother and your sister?
Evans: I don’t know. … It’s weird. I wasn’t even really angry with them. It just kind of happened. I’ve been kind of, uh, planning on, uh, killing for a while now.
911: The two of ‘em, or just anybody?
Evans: Pretty much anybody.
911: Why?
Evans: I don’t know. I don’t really like, uh, people’s, uh, attitude. … I think it’s kind of, very, like, you know, emotional. They’re verbally rude to each other and stuff like that. I don’t know. It’s just my family is just kind of really I guess this is really selfish to say, but I felt they were just suffocating me in a way. I don’t know, I’m pretty, I guess, evil…Whatever, I’m sorry.
911: Were your mom and sister in their beds?
Evans: I don’t know. This is going to really mess me up in the future. I told my sister that my mom needed her. She was in her room, and she came out of her room, and I shot her. And she rolled down the stairs and I shot her again. And then I went down and I shot my mom maybe three or four times, but I’ll never forget this. My sister, she came downstairs and she was screaming and I was telling her that I’m sorry but just to hold still – that, you know, I was just going to make it go away. But she kept on freaking out, but she finally fell down and I shot her in the head about, probably, three or four times.
911: Are you in the kitchen?
Evans: Yes.
911: Where’s your dad?
Evans: He’s out of town. Washington, D.C. And, uh, I guess for future reference, I don’t really want to see any of my family members, like visiting or whatever. I just don’t want any type of visitors.
911: You don’t want to hurt yourself, do you?
Evans: Just to let you know, I hate the feeling of killing someone. (Sighs) I’m going to be messed up.
911: You just take a deep breath. We have deputies coming, and they’re going to help you. Just to let you know, we’re going to help you, we’re not going to hurt you.
Evans: I understand if ya’ll want to.
911: No, we’re there to help you, Jake. Everybody thinks we want to do bad things, but right or wrong, we want to help people, and we’re gonna help you. Do you understand that, Jake?
Evans: Yes.
911: Is it a gated community? Is there a gate?
Evans: Uh, yes. You want the password? (He gives her the password)
911: It’s going to be alright, it really is. They’ll be there shortly, won’t be long now. Jake, would you mind turning any of the porch lights on?
Evans: I have turned the front lights on. (pauses) I was thinking of my sister. She was 15.
911: How long ago did (the shootings) happen?
Evans: About, uh, 30 minutes ago. (breathes heavily)
911: You’ll be alright, Jake.
Evans: I’m really worried about, like, nightmares and stuff like that. Are there any times of medications, and stuff?
911: Well, I think there is. I don’t know, I’m not a doctor but … I’m sure your family will get you the support you need.
Evans: I don’t mean to sound like a wimp or anything, but this is, wow, I’ve never, like, done anything violent in my whole life.
911: You don’t sound like a violent person. But um, help will be provided for you. Medical and psychological. That will be provided, so you don’t have to worry about that right now. Take deep breaths for me now, you’re doing fine. In through your nose, and out through your mouth so you don’t hyperventilate, okay?
Evans: (breathing)
911: Good, you sound a lot calmer right now.
Evans: I didn’t want them to feel pain, that’s why I used a gun, but it’s like everything went wrong.
911: Jake, my officers are almost there, would you be willing to walk out on your own?
Evans: Um, yes, I forgot to say before I called, I put the gun on the counter, it’s still loaded.
911: Okay, that’s fine. I’ll stay on the phone until it’s time for you to walk out. Are you on your home phone? Is it cordless?
Evans: Yes.
911: Jake, what I want you do to is walk outside, but when you’re walking outside, stay visible, don’t walk behind any furniture. When you open the front door, put your hands up in the air, just walk very slowly, and walk outside, and keep your hands visible, alright, sweetie? I’ll talk to you later.
Evans: Thank you (puts phone down)
911: You’re welcome.
This is all about as sick as it gets. Clearly, the boy was severely incapable, psychologically and emotionally, but it is unlikely that without the influence of the Jewish entertainment industry, along with the Jewish anti-racist brainwashing, these killings would have happened. It seems that he was otherwise a gentle boy, simply very vulnerable and easily influenced.

When you look at the present “culture” being forwarded by the Jews, what Jake did is really the logical end result for anyone who is incapable of resisting it on some level. If you do not have the psychological strength to offer some resistance to the indoctrination machine, killing your family over remarks you thought were racist is simply a direct response to the overarching modern stimulus.
I will note here that I would completely support prosecuting Rob Zombie and the Jew producers of the film – the Weinsteins – for accessory to murder. If Charles Manson can be prosecuted for telling people to kill people, there is no reason these men should not be dealt with in the same manner.
But in my ideal society, this wouldn’t be an issue, as I would never allow Jew movies such as this to be produced in the first place.

No doubt “access to guns” will take the blame for this. Because we are not allowed to question the culture itself. It is assumed, because it is an outgrowth of everyone doing whatever they want, that it is good and correct. And only a Nazi would question such an assumption. How could anyone other than a hater imagine that something bad could happen as a result of removing all morality and restraint from society?