Tfw No Freedoms: Stormer is Fully Kicked Off the Internet – Settle in Here!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 21, 2017

We are now officially kicked off of the internet. We are the first political or otherwise not-illegal website this has happened to, ever.

Namecheap, the free speech host I had hoped would hold folded, citing an obviously sarcastic line as the reasoning.

Here’s from their blog:

We find ourselves in a difficult situation, where we must balance the repugnant nature of the content against our principles, beliefs and ongoing support of free speech. This has been particularly challenging given that the fallout from our decision will be in the public eye and subject to public scrutiny, no matter what path we may take.

So, the question, as I see it, is whether deletion of these domains contradicts our core principle of advocacy of free speech? In this particular case, I state that the answer is “No.”

I’ve examined the website carefully. It purports to disclaim violence. But, these words are profoundly hollow as the actual text supports both viewpoints as well as groups that specifically promote violence. As an example: “It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in mathematics to understand that White men + pride + organization = Jews being stuffed into ovens.”

This statement clearly incites violence and endorses wholesale eradication of Jews through genocide championed by the Nazis. Daily Stormer in all its content advocates that proud white men organize themselves. It also presents the inevitable consequence of the organization of white men and their pride: “jews being stuffed into ovens.” This alone is a drastic departure from traditional freedom of speech principles and endorsement of a very violent eventuality. Based on this statement alone, the site should be legitimately shut down as the speech constitutes an incitement of violence.

They didn’t provide a link for context, but you don’t need context. There is no way anyone could think that line is serious.

What it is is mocking the Jewish narrative that any time white people organize for their own interests, it will lead to Jews being gassed.

It is very interesting that Namecheap chose that line in particular as their example of why we should be kicked off the internet. This is all about Jews. Jews, Jews, Jews.

Cloudflare, making their decision, made a similarly nonsensical claim, saying that I had claimed that they endorsed my belief system.

They are just coming up with any reason they can think of to shut us down.

But we are live here.

And will be live here.

I am going to start updating the site as usual.

We will also be posting screenshots of articles on gab.

nb4 even if that line was serious it would still be protected speech under Brandenburg v. Ohio – I am well aware of that. Namecheap is too. So they are just full of shit. Everyone is being pressured to shut us down and everyone is folding under the pressure.

Anyway, relax, settle in, we’ll get the bbs working so you can comment and talk soon enough.

We’ll be working on getting live on the real internet, of course. But for now we are simply going to have to accept that we are here on the Darknet. For the time being.

Expect full content load.

And get ready for an old fashioned trollstorm.

Because I am really, really fucking pissed off.