Words can’t express how disgusted I am with Trump supporters who defend their president stomping out speech rights for Israel after spending years wailing about the loss of free speech in America. It’s beyond mere political differences. I don’t respect them as people.
Of all the…
— Caitlin Johnstone (@caitoz) March 10, 2025
Note: I’m not doing the news anymore, so I am assuming you know what is going on. But I’ll give a brief update, just in case. The Trump Administration has recently begun taking actions to crackdown on criticism of the Jews, at least as aggressively, if not more so, then what the Biden administration did to crackdown on criticism of vaccines and trannies. Perhaps the best aspect of this, which I didn’t even think was real when I heard it, was that RFK has declared “antisemitism” a health emergency. Marco Rubio is also deporting people for criticizing Jews. They’re also of course continuing and escalating the attack on universities that allow pro-Palestinian speech on campus.
Caitlin Johnstone, an “old leftish” blogger (she does support trannies and mass immigration, so she’s not exactly a ye olde leftist) who has a semi-popular Twitter account, has a semi-viral post up about how conservatives claimed about censorship for years and now all of the sudden support the Trump Administration’s egregious crackdown on “antisemitic speech.”
Everything she says in the post is just obvious. I’ve become exhausted by people saying obvious things, while being incapable of recognizing obvious facts about human nature, instead exalting a mythical vision of the ideal man that has never existed and cannot exist.
In response to conservatives supporting all these new laws and initiatives against criticism of the Jews, she writes:
If you are doing this, you’re just admitting that you don’t stand for anything, and you’re just drifting along with the herd and supporting whatever the man in charge tells you to support. You’re unthinking human livestock. A mindless, useless, pointless NPC. You have wasted all of your time on this planet, because you did not use that time to mature into a sovereign adult with basic intellectual agency and integrity.
(You can read the whole rant by clicking the above tweet.)
Apparently, no one told her peasants exist, and therefore she believes that standard peasant behavior is an egregious moral failing.
“Unthinking human livestock” defines the vast majority of the human population. This is brutally self-evident, simply by looking around, anywhere. Of course, the implications of that are too terrible for anyone who believes in “Western values” to confront, and thus they instead attack the overwhelming majority of the human population as immoral, refusing to reach the spiritual self-actualization that they assert, without evidence, is possible for all humans.
Obviously, it is disgusting to claim you support freedom of speech because you want to say tranny and retard (which is meaningless) and then support censorship of speech criticizing the most powerful people in the world. But did you think the peasants were not disgusting? Have you seen how fat they are? Have you ever talked to them? Have you ever listened to a modern pop song?
A couple years ago, “Wet Ass Pussy” was the number one song for like, months.
Peasants are not intellectual, they are not principled.
What peasants do is find a leader and identify him as a father figure who is defending their interests and then do whatever he says.
If Trump said it was time to start rounding up Jews, putting them in camps and gassing them, MAGA would be just as enthusiastic about that as they are about arresting people for criticizing these same Jews. There are not philosophical principles here. MAGA people don’t like perverts, they don’t like being told what to do, they don’t like being poor. All of the rest of it is extremely flexible if not outright arbitrary.
But if this is true, then democracy is completely ridiculous, right? And no one such as Caitlin Johnstone wants to admit that human nature makes democracy a completely unworkable system, and would rather just complain about how people need to become fully actualized individuals.
The reality is, in order to have a moral and principled society, you need an aristocracy that is bound by honor based in religious doctrine to guide the peasantry.
For the record, I think the original American idea of only allowing males who own land to vote was more or less workable. But when you have universal suffrage, and literally allow women to vote, along with negroes and immigrants, you are just going to get an utterly debauched orgy of grotesque moronism, a paradise for nonsense and cartoonish corruption.
If these people, Caitlin Johnstone and every other one of these people constantly complaining about hypocrisy, are so concerned about the integrity of a principled order of society, they need to start calling for an end to democracy. Right now, this is like living in a swamp and becoming outraged that you are being swarmed with insects, and condemning the insects as immoral for violating the non-aggression principle.
If Johnstone was talking about people like Ben Shapiro and Barry Weiss (and a whole list of other “Jewish conservatives”) who did their whole bit about free speech for years and now all of the sudden are calling for Andrew Tate to be crucified in front of the castle in the Magic Kingdom because Florida doesn’t tolerate people asking questions about Jewish power, then okay. Those people can be criticized. I think it’s pointless, because anyone who thought Ben Shapiro would support the First Amendment right to criticize Jews is retarded. But he is a public figure who frames himself as an intellectual who will “debate anyone on facts and logic” who takes positions which are not based on facts and do not make logical sense.
But attacking the peasants for going along with whatever the media says is so ridiculous that it is beyond ridicule. Caitlin, when conservatives were demanding the right to say retard and tranny, did you imagine that if Donald Trump said it was illegal to criticize the Jews, they would take a principled stance against that? Are you surprised by this development? I seriously doubt you are, so if you could have predicted it years ago, then how can you now be outraged by it?
We’re back to the old analogy of releasing a horde of hungry tigers onto the streets of a crowded city and being outraged when they attack people. If you understand that this “hypocritical” (really just mindless, as hypocrisy implies malice, which I don’t think is there) behavior is a part of the nature of the masses of humans, then just as you need to prevent a horde of hungry tigers from being released onto the streets of a crowded urban area, you need to prevent the masses of people from having influence on the direction of society. That means you have to end democracy, or at the very least, completely reform it and remove the rights of people who do not at least own property and have a certain amount of wealth in their portfolio from being allowed to influence public policy.
(Note: I understand that not everyone who is broke qualifies as a mindless peasant in the current year. I think this would have been true historically, but at this point in history, a lot of intelligent young men don’t have any incentives to strive for success, and make the calculation that it makes more sense to sit at home and eat noodles and play video games. I don’t support that decision, but I do think it is somewhat reasonable, given the situation created by feminism where men don’t really have any hope of building a family, which was historically the underlying drive to be successful. Well, technically, the original underlying drive was sex, but traditionally, sex led to children, and whether you were planning for it or not, when you see that little guy, it ignites a fire in you to work and build. Everyone at this point is aware that you can’t just get a good job and work hard until you’re 25 and then marry a 16 year old virgin. So the basic incentive is gone, and so there are intelligent men who say “fuck it, bro, /pol/ might be shilled out to oblivion, but PoE2 is fire.” That said, I can’t think of any measure other than wealth to measure the competence of a man to engage the political process.)
If every human citizen was fully actualized in the Maslowian sense, there was mass outrage against Trump’s move to shut down criticism of the Jews, and Trump would presumably change his position. More importantly, if only non-peasants were allowed to participate in the electoral process, Trump would not have needed hundreds of billions of dollars from Zionist Jews in order to get elected, and the entire House and Senate would not be filled with bought and paid for Jewish shills. The reason that campaign finance is such a cancer is that it allows targeted propaganda at the masses of morons.
Consider Dan Crenshaw, who is hated by basically everyone in America. Or Mitch McConnell for that matter. The reason they keep getting elected is that they have huge amounts of money, primarily from Jews and Jewish-connected internationalists and warmongers, which allows them to do massive advertising campaigns. These advertising campaigns are aimed at the peasants, not the thinking man. You could put me in an A Clockwork Orange style torture room watching advertisements about how Crenshaw is an American hero who lost his gosh damned eyeball to the hajis and now fights for freedom, and I still would vote for whoever his primary opponent was, and in a serious country, his primary opponent would be someone on par with Thomas Massie.
I agree with everything Johnstone is saying, just as I agreed with everything conservatives said about the Biden Administration’s crackdown on speech. But I agree in the same way that I would agree that “it’s a shame these hungry tigers are ripping people up on the streets of this crowded city.”
These people are not addressing the root issue. And I simply cannot imagine how that is not obvious. Actually, I can imagine it, and I know exactly what it is: they are tied up in an ideology that says that all humans are somehow equal, and they are all capable of totally rational analysis of often complex philosophical issues that underline political machinations. They are committed to this in a Captain Ahab type of pathological manner.
This has been going on for many decades now. There are a lot of people saying the same thing Caitlin is saying about the need for a principled social order, and they are on both the left and the right, and the things they are saying are self-evidently true. And yet no one cares, and they must know that no one cares, because their materials have zero effect on the functioning of society.
The root issue is that modern Western style democracy is not viable. It can exist for a while, and can even be prosperous for a few decades, but it is ultimately so corrupt, due to the ability to influence the rootless emotions and low intellect of the peasantry, that it is not sustainable long term, or even in the medium term.
H.L. Mencken was saying all of this in the 1910s. It has always been obvious. But of course, Mencken supported Hitler, so not only can he not be taken seriously, everything he said must necessarily have been wrong, because Hitler was pure evil, because he didn’t love the baby-killing kikes, the selfsame kikes who Caitlin Johnstone is now demanding a right to condemn.