Thank God: A Glowing Alien Object of Some Kind has Entered Our Solar System

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 27, 2017


This is exactly the right time for an alien invasion.

No joke.

I hope it’s the Annunaki of Planet X.

Fox News:

It was first seen just a month ago. A tiny blip of light was seen to be moving through the sky by the PanSTARRS1 telescope in Hawaii.

The number-crunching which followed was automatic. The results were unusual.

This object is in an odd position. It’s moving very fast. And it’s in what appears to be a somewhat extreme orbit. Extreme enough not to actually be an orbit, in fact.

Observations published by the by the International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center (MPC) suggest it could have come from deep space.

Specifically, it could be a comet that has escaped another star.

“If further observations confirm the unusual nature of this orbit, this object may be the first clear case of an interstellar comet,” the MPC declares.

WHAT IS C/2017 U1?

The PanSTARRS telescope spotted the object only after it was flung back out towards the stars by our Sun.

It’s not likely to ever return. It flashed past Earth at 24 million kilometres on October 14.

Many eyes watched it closely, keen to determine exactly what it was. Their curiosity was piqued by where it had come from.

Most objects orbiting our Sun do so along a common plane: the planets, dwarf planets and asteroids mostly swing around in roughly the same way.

This one appears to have come down on the plane from 122 degrees, from the direction of the star Vega, in the constellation Lyra. And its path did not indicate the curved ellipse typical of clockwork-like returning comets.

Best guesstimates make it a comet of about 160m diameter, with a surface reflectivity (albedo) of about 10 per cent.


Okay, so it swung past and then left again.

Let us hope that it was just casing the joint for an invasion.

Any alien regime would naturally put the Alt-Right in place as the collaboration government.

Because I’m going to tell you right now: I am 100% on-board with collaborating with aliens against Jews.

I would happily replace our Zionist Occupation Government with a Reptilian Occupation Government.

Raise your hand if you are also 1000% down with trading this:

For this: