Thank You to All Who Support the Site!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 9, 2016

nazi gold is required

Nazi gold is required for this Nazi site.

I would like to thank everyone who’s contributed to the Daily Stormer project.

I especially want to thank all of you who have written real life letters, all of which I read and highly appreciate.

You are the reason this is all possible.

We are all in this together.

Fighting against our eternal enemy.

And none of this would be possible if it weren’t for the supporters.

Know this.

To Everyone Not Included in That Thank You…

The Daily Stormer project continues to expand, and I hope that more people will get on board with funding it. We will be as big as we are capable of being.

And we ran ads, and you complained about them, so we removed them.

Hopefully people appreciate that.


I want this site to be yuge. We have that ability. We have the talent on hand. As you’ve seen over the past couple of weeks, we’ve got some new writers who are writing articles on par with or even better than my own material. And this has given me the time to write longer/better pieces myself.

From here on out, I would like to be able to pull-back further from my duties covering basic news, and instead focus much more on the longer pieces as well as podcasts, troll operations – and eventually videos and more.

Please do consider signing up for LiberaPay. This is a recurring contribution system where you can gave as much or as little as you wish every week.

As I’ve said, the ideal situation would be for everyone to give 1 euro a week (LiberaPay calculates in euros), which is about $5 a month (a little less, at current exchange rates).

The response has been disappointing, overall. A very small percentage of people have contributed.

And I understand most of you are millennial NEETs. But if you’re reading the site everyday – or every other day – this is dozens of hours a month of information and top-quality entertainment. Surely, that is worth $5 a month, no?

That’s not really very much money.


Do you really want the image of this man who defeated the proud South and “freed the slaves” in your pocket? It’s better to give it to me to fight the Blacks through virulent racism and appropriation of dat boi. 

And again, if $5 a month is beyond your budget, less is fine.

No problem.

Several people signed up for 25 euro cents a week. This is totally cool.

Whatever you can afford.

But I think the issue is not that you don’t have $5 a month, but that you don’t want to take ten minutes and sign up. I get that. But come on bro. For the cause.

Contribution Options



Cash or a check can go to this address:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

Google Wallet

You can, for the time being, make credit card donations through Google Wallet.

My Google wallet address is:

And of course, the preferred method: LiberaPay.

Click here.

There are more details on how to do all of this on the contributions page.

And if LiberaPay rejects your card, call your bank, and they should be able to just approve the transaction manually.

Also, people have asked if it will say anything about Daily Stormer on their statement: no, it will not. And I can’t even see who’s donating. It’s totally anonymous.

Also, LiberaPay is very, very secure, and there is not any real risk of it being hacked. I can honestly say that I trust the company, and it is an ideologically based company – the founder started it because his former employer banned weev from using the service. He’s also gone to bat for us after being harassed by the ADL.


Again, thank you all.

Even if you don’t contribute, I appreciate that you visit the site.

I am very blessed to do what I do.

here he come

I’ve appropriated dat boi, Blacks! He’s a symbol of Nazism now! What you gonna do??? You could try to appropriate Pepe from White Supremacists, I guess – HA! GOOD LUCK!

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin