Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 12, 2015

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by politics, but in order to understand how fake the whole thing is, just consider that there is only one single politician (Jeff Sessions) who has ever spoken out against the Indian IT worker replacement programs in this country.
This one instance is also enough to show that Donald Trump is not simply another talking head. He’s brought this issue into the realm of discussion, even while it was something that most Americans didn’t even know was happening.
Another business is laying off American tech workers and forcing them to train their foreign replacements, joining the ranks of Southern California Edison, Disney, Fossil Group and Catalina Marketing.
Cengage Learning, a multinational education content producer, told 75 of its tech workers in October they would be out of their jobs in January, reported Computer World. In the meantime they’re training their foreign replacements, and if Cengage finds out they’re talking to the media they’ll lose their severance pay.
These people should be thrown in prison. Seriously, that is what a just society would do to a company that operated like this – put the entire board in prison. It is simply an obvious response to this.
Those laid off are now being shadowed and recorded for training purposes by their replacements working for the contractor, Cognizant, which appear to be foreigners on work visas. Cognizant is a top user of the H-1B visa, according to government data cited by Computer World, although the laid off workers did not know whether their replacements were on H-1B visas.
Some of the jobs have apparently been outsourced to India.
Cengage conceded it laid off 75 workers in a statement to Computer World and transferred 20 employees over to Cognizant, describing it as a “very difficult decision” made because of a need for “a more flexible staffing model” in what is an “evolving” business.
Yeah. It is true that it is impossible for a company to compete without doing this when everyone else is doing it.
Southern California Edison, Disney, Fossil Group, Catalina Marketing and others have reportedly laid off hundreds of tech workers in the past year, replacing them with foreign workers on H-1B visas hired by contractors.
The stated intent of the visa program is to help companies bring in high-skilled foreign workers for jobs Americans can’t fill. But these companies and others are allegedly using it to cut labor costs. The Obama administration is investigating the alleged abuses.