That Gay Spic Who Ostensibly Triggered the Recent YouTube Bans is Also Jewish

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2019

YouTube did a mass censorship event this week, which included mass deletions of channels, deletions of specific videos, and demonetizing the channels of various figures.

For those who don’t get the thing yet, there is usually a multi-step process:

  • Demonetization
  • Deleting selected videos
  • Locking videos in “YouTube jail” where you can’t find them except through a direct link
  • Deleting the entire channel

The censorship slippery slope is a slip-and-slide lined with K-Y jelly at this point – forgive me for mixing children’s toys with sex lube in that metaphor, but I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do here.

The shocking shutdown of this week’s wave was the full demonetization of Steven Crowder, who is an utterly cucked conservative pussy who somehow manages to have worse, gayer talking points than Sean Hannity.

Crowder is blaming a gay Mexican Vox journalist for this, and using the hashtag  #VoxAdpocalypse – even though the Jews of the Anti-Defamation League are openly bragging about how they were responsible.

The story is that Crowder got in a Twitter feud with the gay Mexican, Carlos Maza, in which he called him a “gay Mexican.”

The gay Mexican threw a faggot hissy fit and demanded that YouTube shut down his advertising money.

After Maza called for his followers to mass report Crowder’s videos, YouTube complied. They demonetized Crowder, then started censoring an entire group of people, allegedly also because of Steven Crowder’s “hate speech.”

However, this whole spectacle is simply a casus belli to enact censorship policies that the ADL had been demanding for years. YouTube, which is run by the Jew Susan Wojcicki and is a subsidiary of Jewish-owned Google, just jumped on a random feud as an excuse to push these Jewish policies. It has nothing to do with the gay Mexican, save that he is a representative of the kind of filth they are trying to force on white people.

Crowder and his crowd are blaming the gay Mexican because they don’t talk about Jews – even when Jews are destroying their lives, they are obligated to protect them, because they are God’s chosen people.

However, as it turns out, the gay Mexican is also Jewish.

Funny that.

There is literally no individual or entity involved in this that isn’t Jewish.

Bulletpoint recap:

  • YouTube – Run by Jew Susan Wojcicki
  • Google – Owned by Jews Sergey Brin and Larry Page
  • ADL – Jewish ethnic activist group, part of the Israel lobby
  • Gay Mexican – Also Jewish
  • Vox News – Owned by the Jew Ezra Klein

We’re hitting levels of “pure coincidence” that shouldn’t even be possible.

The shocking thing is that Paul Joseph Watson, who is also being censored, just can’t see Jews anywhere.

He looks around, but he just can’t see any evidence of Jews having any power at all.

Paul Joseph Watson is a very honest person, so it’s really strange he can’t see that everyone involved in everything bad that happens is always Jewish.

Watson hasn’t actually been banned from YouTube yet, but when Jews do ban him, maybe he’ll change his mind about the claim that there are no Jews anywhere in power in Western society.

One thing’s for sure: he’s not just going to roll over like a massive pussy.

He might roll over onto a boy pussy.

Oh jeez, did I really even want to make that joke? 

Ah well.


This is MAGA Country and we’re all just trying to Make Anal Great Again by slipping freedom in through the backdoor.