The 4 Major Power Centers Of The Globalist Left

Markos Power
The Right Stuff
December 3, 2016

We won.

I can say honestly that I’ve been experiencing major dopamine release since Trump was announced President (the ‘winning’ effect produces this sensation, as well as social dominance). It’s an amazing time to be alive, and we all truly deserved that victory. We worked hard for it. We celebrated.

But now it’s time to get back to work, and get back to work quickly.

Why We Need To Get To Work NOW

I’d like to say it was a blowout, and by electoral college it was. But the popular vote seems to be slightly higher going to Hillary, and that is not a good sign for us.

There are 800,000 Hispanics that turn 18 every year.

This number will not really decrease in the foreseeable future. The Hispanic share of total votes will continue to increase year on year, which will make their voice more powerful, and our voice weaker.

Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democrat; as do all non-White groups in the U.S.


Presently, non-Whites are the majority of infants born. Add in the massive number of non-Whites becoming voting aged citizens every year and the picture becomes clearer. Non-Whites have always and will always vote Democrat, and this is not likely to change.

We are running out of time. If nothing changes, we will be outvoted in every election from now until the end of the Republic.

While not a power center, immigration is the #1 most important issue we need to deal with, and I’ve already outlined here on how to revive the White Demographics of the U.S.

Now I want to identify and discuss the centers of power for the Cultural Marxist Left.

Before we begin, though, let’s define the term.

This is the best and most complete definition I could find. It’s a little longer but I didn’t want to shorten it as it is so important.

Cultural Marxism: An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness, multiculturalism and “anti-racism.” Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics, Cultural Marxism focuses on culture and maintains that all human behavior is a result of culture (not heredity / race) and thus malleable. Cultural Marxists absurdly deny the biological reality of gender and race and argue that gender and race are “social constructs”. Nonetheless, Cultural Marxists support the race-based identity politics of non-whites.

Cultural Marxists typically support race-based affirmative action, the proposition state (as opposed to a nation rooted in common ancestry), elevating non-Western religions above Western religions, speech codes and censorship, multiculturalism, diversity training, anti-Western education curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism, the dispossession of white people, and mass Third World immigration into Western countries.

Cultural Marxists have promoted idea that white people, instead of birthing white babies, should interracially marry or adopt non-white children. . Critics of Cultural Marxism have maintained that Cultural Marxists intend to commit genocide against white people through mass non-white immigration, assimilation, transracial adoption and miscegenation.

Major Power Center #1: Public Schools and “Higher Education”

Public schools (K-12) and Higher Education (Universities) are arguably the strongest major power center of the Cultural Marxist Left. This is where they get our children at a young age; when our children are most vulnerable to their propagandizing and corruption.

—They are indoctrinated to believe that Whites are inherently evil simply for being White. But they won’t say this straight up. They dress it up by teaching lies such as “White Privilege” and “Systemic Racism”, and brainwash our young to believe in “White Guilt.”

White Guilt is the conscious or subconscious manipulation of a White person’s mind to believe that everything and anything White people have accomplished was only achieved by harming or exploiting other groups of humans. Never mind that history is written by sometimes brutal conflicts and all people (Blacks, Mestizos, Asians) have all done brutal things in their past. But it is only Whites that are told to be ashamed of their past and to never appreciate all of the good that they have brought to the world (modern medicine, the computer, the cellphone, ending slavery worldwide, etc).

Guilted Whites vote for the Democrats and their Cultural Marxist programs.

—But Whites are attacked on another front; by the teaching and indoctrinating of feminism.

Feminism is used as a weapon almost exclusively and for the sole purpose of attacking White males. White women are taught that White men are the biggest oppressors in history, and that women have basically been ‘enslaved’ all these years under the Patriarchy.

Feminism is a launching point for women to reject everything that White men have built and supported. Feminism mocks and attacks women who choose to raise their own children instead of paying strangers to do it. Feminism attacks the family unit and instead encourages and allies with the LGBT movement to work against the interests of the family unit. Feminism is a direct attack on masculinity (note: an attack on men) and the promotion of such harmful ideas cannot be tolerated any longer.

Feminists vote for Democrats and their Cultural Marxist programs.


Non Married Women (young single college aged girls, urbanites and feminists)

— In regards to specifically University and College, these 4 years have become a time for many young Americans to live recklessly, in the moment, and without regard for the future. They are in their own little college ‘bubble’ and nothing outside of it really effects them.

Popular culture via the Corporate Media (I will get to that later) has propagandized these young people to believe that doing a lot of drugs, abusing alcohol, and being promiscuous is not only acceptable, but is necessary to really ‘enjoy’ college. Promiscuity, especially for women, is highly damaging later in life when trying to create a stable family environment. This video by Stefan Molyneux does an amazing job of presenting all of the data.

Many friendships in college are mostly based on who you party and drink/do drugs with. I wasn’t finding a lot of people who think like me in regards to the issues I am laying out. No, we all mostly discussed regular college issues like how much we drank, how we ‘killed it’ the previous night, and what girls we were trying to make a move on.


“Higher Education” or Indoctrination/Conformity to Cultural Marxism?

Whether you agree with my assessment or not, young “educated” people overwhelmingly vote Democrat and support Cultural Marxist programs.

Major Power Center #2: Urban Environment and Urbanization


Take a look at the map above. Almost all of the blue counties are where major urban centers are located or where non-Whites make up huge percentages of the population.

—Most major American cities are infested with SJW (Social Justice Warrior) Liberal Whites. Huge amounts of non-Whites also live in these cities. They are the strongholds of the Democrats and without them, the Democrats would never have a chance in any election.

Young Whites moving to the city mostly live a college lifestyle. It is basically an extension of adolescence. Many of them move to the city to continue to drink, party, do drugs, and hook up with other single people well into their early 30’s.

They live paycheck to paycheck as it is so expensive to live in these cities, and aren’t really planning on a future. They work their job and only look forward to the weekends so they can go out, drink/do drugs, and party late. They are not religious in any real sense and most never or rarely go to church. (Note: more religious people tend to vote for Republicans and Nationalist ideas).

The SJW urbanites are the foot soldiers for the Globalist elite to enforce their Politically Correct agenda on anyone who disagrees.


They are the ones that look down upon us peasantry as ignorant, racist, sexist, xenophobic, and all of the other slur words used to attack and ridicule us.

The feminist career women also thrives in large urban environments. Away from their parents, their roots, and many times anyone they know, these women try to live the ‘Sex and the City’ life. They put all of their energy into their career, and go from guy to guy until they hit 30+. Then, they decide that they want to ‘settle down.’ But at that point, it’s almost too late for many of them and they stay single and alone.

These women are almost all Hillary supporters.

—Since an urban lifestyle promotes living in the moment and instant gratification, it also is an environment for homosexuals to congregate and to establish their lifestyle.

By lifestyle, I mean much higher levels of promiscuity and STD’S, and a much higher drug use than the heterosexual population.


From the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Perhaps the drugs themselves cause an increase in homosexual acts, as drugs and alcohol effect the pleasure centers of the brain. But I have not seen anything conclusive on this.

Whatever your views are on homosexuality, homosexuals by a huge margin vote for Democrats and their Cultural Marxist policies.


Major Power Center # 3: The Corporate Media

Ah, the ‘fair and balanced’ Media. Or so we were told growing up.

Trump running for President exposed the Corporate Media for what they really are: liars, cheaters, crooks, and agents of the elite. And most importantly: 100% untrustworthy. I can count on one hand how many people in the Media were actually fair or Pro-Trump.

The Corporate Media is an extremely powerful weapon that the Left possesses. It has (up until this point) controlled the information flow to the public and set the tone for what was and wasn’t culturally acceptable.

Case in point:

Anyone that supported positions such as reducing or eliminating immigration, building a wall, deporting some or all Illegal immigrants, and wanting English as the national language are deemed racist and xenophobic.

The Media has established a culture of not accepting anyone who questions whether we should be flooding our nation with millions and millions of Third World people who share completely different values and beliefs than we do.

Of course, they won’t look at the data as to why people may have these opinions, because the Media is a mouthpiece for the Left and not some neutral or balanced entity. (The slides below come from the video The Truth About Illegal Immigration).

immigration-to-the-us-demographics-768x431-1 positive-view-of-socialism-768x433 larger-vs-smaller-government-768x432

The Media has also slandered, lied, and directly attacked our President elect Donald Trump. Via Wikileaks we saw the collaboration between the Media and the DNC/Clinton campaign. The truth is out there.

Most of you are already aware of this:


They definitely are losing their influence with the rise of Social Media, podcasts, and the Internet in general.


It’s clear that the Corporate Media overwhelmingly supports the Democrats and their Cultural Marxist programs

Major Power Center # 4: Big Banks and International Finance

Wall street and International Finance are at the forefront of Globalism. They have been the largest supporters of a One World consumer culture where no one has an identity other than that of being a consumer.

The largest pushers of the T.P.P., the growth and expansion of the European Union, N.A.F.T.A., and all globalist projects have had the complete backing from the big banks and International Finance.

Hillary Clinton’s biggest supporters were from these groups:


Paloma Parters is a huge hedge fund with many connections to big banks. Renaissance Technologies is an investment management firm. Pritzker Group is a Private Capital, Venture Capital, and asset management group. Soros Fund Management- well, that speaks for itself.

These big banks and finance organizations have funded groups such as the radical terrorist organization Black Lives Matter (George Soros), the so called Color Revolutions in Europe (Soros), and the Muslim Migrant Crisis (Soros).

These big financial institutions are well connected. They have used their influence to sway public policy not only here in the United States but all around the globe.

Big Banks and International Finance overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton and continue to support the Democrat’s Cultural Marxist programs.

Conclusion: This is Just the Beginning

Trump has won. This is a momentous victory in the face of adversity the likes of which we have never seen a man face before. Everything was stacked against him.

But we, against all odds, have won. And now is the time to put an end to the destructive policies of globalism once and for all.

The main power centers of the Globalist Left are:

1. Public Schools and Higher Education
2. Urban areas and Urbanization
3. The Corporate Media
4. Big Banks and International Finance

By identifying these 4 power centers and exposing the problems of mass Third World immigration, we will have a chance to win this fight.

While the Globalist Left has lost this battle, they are regrouping.

They aren’t going to give up just because of this election. Not by a long shot.

We don’t have much time.

Let’s Go