The Absolute STATE of UK: Bizarre Tranny Army Love Triangle!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2018


So let’s unpack this.


Chloe Allen, officially recognized as the British Army’s first woman allowed on the frontline after transitioning in 2016, has reportedly been accused of breaking up a fellow soldier’s marriage — a serious breach of army ethics.

The Daily Mail, which broke the story, also alleges that the top brass refused to take the usual disciplinary steps against Allen, to avoid embarrassment around the high-profile recruit.

Chloe, 26, who joined the prestigious Scots Guards regiment in 2012 under her birth name Ben Allen, is to be cited in the divorce papers of Sergeant Mark Gray, who says that she used the pretext of needing help in presenting as a woman, to begin an affair with his partner of ten years, Sophie.

What in the fuck???

It took me two readings to figure out the following:

  1. Some dude decided to become a woman and continue serving in the frontline troops.
  2. The UK military, naturally, made a big deal of how awesome and progressive it was to have their first “woman” serving on the frontline.
  3. Then (and this is where it gets tricky) problems started when the tranny started sleeping with his Army friend’s woman.

Alright, lads, strap in, because we’re going to have to go deep to really understand what happened and to properly enjoy this… erm, well, very modern love triangle story.

Also, as I started reading this, Vivaldi came on my writing playlist, lending the whole story a comical, tragic mood that was oh so on point. 

I highly recommend you put it on as you read to get maximum keks.

And please, read it slowly and savor it. This is peak clown world. This is black comedy at its finest.

According to the Daily Mail, in the aftermath of her announcement Allen began visiting the Gray household, where she would engage in dressing-up sessions with Sophie, who gave her make-up tutorials.

Mark grew suspicious that the contact was more than platonic and confronted his wife, but she denied the accusations. However, when he returned from an assignment in the Falklands, his wife had moved all of her possessions and allegedly moved in with Allen.

Gray reported this to his superiors as a potential violation of the Service Test — the British Army’s internal code of conduct — which proscribes “over-familiarity with the spouses, civil partners or partners of other Service personnel.” Sanctions for violations range from extra duties and removal of privileges for the person found guilty, to discharge from the regiment.

But in this case nothing was done, even though none of the parties appear to have challenged the allegations.

“Scots Guards commanders gave Chloe their full support and stressed they wanted her to remain in the regiment whatever was happening in her private life and with her transition from man to woman,” an army source told the Daily Mail.

“They favored handling the matter informally, a decision made easier because Sgt Gray was no longer in the Scots Guards.”

Gray believes that he has been the victim of Allen’s preferential treatment.

“Mark is distressed and feels Chloe played him for a fool by having an affair with Sophie while maintaining that Sophie was only helping her learn how to present herself as a woman,” a source in the Scots Guards told the Daily Mail.

“Had Mark shacked up with another guardsman’s wife, he’d have been charged with breaching disciplinary rules and been in deep trouble, whereas nothing appears to have happened to Chloe despite her affair with Mark’s wife.”

Questions persist over whether the affair is continuing.

“I am not in a relationship, nor am I living with anyone,” Allen said in a statement, made through the army, before the story broke, labeling the revelations “untrue”.

But the Daily Mail has published recent photos of Allen and Sophie Gray together, and says that the two women have been spending nights together at Gray’s house, where she lives with her two children from Mark. 

If your sides aren’t heaving from laughter at the absurd tale that is the life of this sergeant, I don’t know what is wrong with you.

To recap:

First, he goes along with his friend’s mental illness.

Then, he introduces his friend to his wife in an attempt to make his friend pretty.

Slowly, he begins to suspect that something is going on between the two… women (Daily Mail’s words, not mine), but does nothing.

Upon his return from the Falkland Islands, he discovers that the two lovers have absconded… taking his children along with them, who are now in the clutches of a mentally ill freak who used to be his army comrade.

Seeking justice, he seeks out the aid of the UK military, citing a clear ethics violation. But the same Political Correctness he was so quick to indulge is not so keen on indulging him in return. Nothing can be done! The tranny is too PC to be touched!

Defeated, the sergeant is forced to deal with his wife leaving him. His children being raised by a tranny. His military siding against him.

Ah, the cherry on top to this absurd and macabre tale would be if he was accused of being a racist and jailed for killing a Moslem while overseas.

What else is there to say except that it’s curtains for the UK.

Hope you enjoyed the show!