The ADL Grabs Slutwalk by the Pussy – Sluts Cuck Out, Allow Israeli Flags at Their March

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2017

It took me like, 12 seconds to get the joke on that sign. Maybe female comedians really do fail simply because their humor is too advanced for male audiences?

It’s 2017 and urban SWPL women are an unstoppable force. They won’t compromise because they’re so empowered!

They have bullrings in their nose, they can go outside in their underwear if they want to, they can vacuum a fetus out of their vagina and throw it in a vat of acid, and they can even say no to Jews!

Actually, scratch that last part.

A week ago, the ADL complained that the Chicago Slut March was banning Jewish symbols.

Now, without explanation, the tune has changed.


SlutWalk Chicago will allow marchers carrying Jewish or Zionist symbols after saying earlier they would be banned.

The group, part of an international movement that protests rape culture, in its ban announced this month referred to a decision by the Chicago Dyke March to ask three women carrying rainbow flags featuring white Stars of David to leave.

But a SlutWalk Chicago organizer told Haaretz on Sunday that the group would welcome all participants at the Aug. 12 march who wish to protest sexual violence and the attitudes of shame and blame that surround it. The organizer, identified as Red, also said the collective needs to make amends to the Jewish community for past actions.

We are not banning any symbols or any kind of ethnic or heritage flags,” Red told Haaretz following a meeting of organizers to hone their message. “Those are welcome, everyone is welcome to express themselves as they see fit at SlutWalk. And we encourage people to bring signs and symbols that represent fighting sexism, patriarchy, rape culture, and that takes a lot of different forms for different people, and we support them in how they decide to show up for SlutWalk.”

Since a series of tweets reportedly made by the group’s social media team without consulting with the collective, SlutWalk has reached out to the Jewish and Muslim communities in Chicago to show that the event is inclusive and offers a safe space to all participants, Red told Haaretz.

Red said people carrying Israeli flags would not be banned.

So can people wave Confederate flags at the Slutwalk?

[Editor’s Note: Please tell us in the comments section if you think Eric Striker should go try it with this flag. If enough people want to see that happen on a livestream, Daily Stormer will pay for his train and hotel room in Chicago. Also, we will pay for meals, providing there are receipts. -AA]

Hell, I doubt even American flags will be allowed!

So what gives with allowing people to fly the flag of a state that is displacing a whole race of indigenous people, systematically butchering children, forces women to justify getting an abortion to a panel of doctors, and still enforces laws against miscegenation and gay marriage?

Easy: women aren’t that empowered! In fact, they turn into humble little school girls when the circumcised cock behind the curtain grabs them by the hair and smacks them like a Lifetime Channel husband.

Social dreck like the Slutwalk can only exist beneath the protective tentacles of global Zionism (racial supremacism for Jews, neo-liberalism for Gentiles). Somebody must’ve reminded somebody about who is providing the “grants” and “philanthropy” (misanthropy) that finances and buys positive press to the Slutwalk.

Most “conservatives” and “skeptics” who try reasoning with hysterical SJW banshees often wonder why the hard facts on the gender wage gap myth or the campus rape culture hoax fall on deaf ears.

The reason is the perpetrators of these urban legends are either really stupid or profiting from them.

Yet suddenly, when these same people are pressed on a more obscure yet much clearer issue where leftist’s actually have the facts in their corner – the womyn let Jonathan Greenblatt grab them by the pussy.

Whenever you see women behaving like this, there’s always a man with money calling the shots. They may not be able to see beyond the surface, but the blood-soaked Star of David in their faces leaves less to the imagination than their parade of gross, obese, tatted up bodies.