The Alex Jones Jew-Controlled Media Operation Crumbles as Operation Jew Wife Takes Its Toll

Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
September 29, 2014

Alex Jones shown after reading comments made by patriotic Operation Jew Wife posters.

There is no question that the Alex Jones media operation is becoming increasingly retarded as he has been forced to embrace his role as a mainstream kosher conservative Jew whore.  Considering that he is married to a Jewish woman, spawned Jewish children and relies on a large number of Jewish sponsors to finance his luxurious lifestyle, this role was pretty much a guarantee for Jones.

Years ago, I predicted that he would devolve into another Rush Limbaugh hack type, and this appears to have already happened.  He isn’t exactly like Limbaugh but he’s certainly a variation of him.  Currently, Jones mixes in mainline conservative talking points with increasingly insane made-up conspiracies and paranoid ramblings that sound like something you would normally hear from a meth addict.  Needless to say, he will talk about any bizarre conspiracy so long as it doesn’t reference anything about Jewish power, the Holocaust hoax or international Zionism.  Ironically, conspiracies and various historical incidents involving Jews are easy to prove, but he does everything in his power to not talk about this information.

His staff of underlings have helped enable his increasingly deranged behavior.  Most of them are beta male or metrosexual types who lack the courage to call out Jones on any of his deranged behavior.  Part of this has to do with the fact that Jones will not hire any people who may potentially question him.  He has long since purged anyone who has dared question his authority within the Central Texas Command Center.

Let’s look at some of the retarded stories being promoted by the Alex Jones Jew whore media operation.  They include articles detailing the Jewish actor Rob Schneider becoming a victim of the Hivemind, how Jew whore Ted Cruz might save America because he did well in a straw poll, Illuminati symbolism in a gay sounding cartoon called Mr. Pickles and Emma Watson nude hoax pictures somehow being used in a False Flag operation to get Obama to shutdown the Internet.  If you believe Jewish lapdogs like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are going to save America than you might find these stories of interest, but if you disagree than it is easy to see how ridiculous all of this is.

Clearly, with the quality of material that is being put out by these people, morale must be at an all-time low.  Operation Jew Wife seems to have taken a toll on both Jones and his staff.  The website trolling operation has involved thousands of patriotic seekers of truth demanding answers from Jones about his Jewish wife and her influence over his media operation.  They have rightly questioned his credibility since he has not covered any serious material on Jewish power throughout the many years he has been doing radio.  The operation even resulted in Jones suffering an on-air meltdown proclaiming that he would never join White supremacists while literally begging his audience to believe he’s legitimate.

It is obvious that the Alex Jones media operation is crumbling.  He has even been forced to advertise and sell magic erection formulas to keep enough money rolling in.

Only if you buy bottles of secret erection formula from Alex Jones can we ever hope to defeat the German Nazi globalists and restore our freedoms.

Regardless of how you feel about the Operation Jew Wife trolling campaign, there is no doubt that it has had a major psychological effect on Mr. Jones and his staff.  His audience is also starting to dwindle, as evidenced by the rankings his websites are getting.

We need to continue exposing this fool until he fully admits that he was wrong about not exposing Jewish power and apologizes to his audience or until his shill media operation collapses financially.