The Canonization of Evil: Jew-Loving Heretic Popes to be Declared ‘Saints’

Daily Stormer
April 26, 2014

John Paul II was given the kosher stamp of approval, the main reason why he is being declared a "saint".
John Paul II was given the kosher stamp of approval, the main reason why he is being declared a “saint”.
John XXIII, the first of the hard-core kosher popes.
John XXIII, the first of the hard-core kosher popes.

Tomorrow the sodomy-loving anti-Pope Francis will officially declare the sainthood of two of his predecessors, Popes John XXIII and John Paul II.

The choice of these two men as saints is very significant, given how influential they were at introducing modernism and judeophilia into the Catholic Church. John XXIII was instrumental in bringing about the Second Vatican Council, which brought heretical philo-semitic views into the Church. While John XXIII approved of these pro-Jewish sentiments, he was acting under the direct influence of Jewish “converts” to Catholicism.

The key role that these “converts” played in altering Catholic teaching is well known. The Jews actually brag about this Jewish influence in their own publications.

From the Jewish Daily Forward:

Most important was Johannes Oesterreicher, born in 1904 into the home of the Jewish veterinarian Nathan and his wife, Ida, in Stadt-Liebau, a German-language community in northern Moravia. As a boy, he took part in Zionist scouting and acted as elected representative of the Jews in his high school, but then, for reasons that remain inexplicable (he later said he ”fell in love with Christ”), Oesterreicher took an interest in Christian writings (Cardinal Newman, Kierkegaard and the Gospels themselves), and under the influence of a priest later martyred by the Nazis (Max Josef Metzger) he became a Catholic and then a priest…

In 1961, Oesterreicher was summoned for work in the Vatican II committee tasked with the “Jewish question,” which became the most difficult issue to face the bishops. At one critical moment in October 1964, priests Gregory Baum and Bruno Hussar joined Oesterreicher in assembling what became the final text of the council’s decree on the Jews, voted on by the bishops a year later. Like Oesterreicher, Baum and Hussar were converts of Jewish background.

They were continuing a trend going back to the First Vatican Council in 1870, when the brothers Lémann — Jews who had become Catholics and priests — presented a draft declaration on relations between the church and Jews, stating that Jews “are always very dear to God” because of their fathers and because Christ has issued from them “according to the flesh.” Without converts to Catholicism, it seems, the Catholic Church would never have “thought its way” out of the challenges of racist anti-Judaism.

Receiving orders from his superiors.
Receiving orders from his superiors.

John Paul II continued the tradition of judeophilia began by John XXIII, and also engaged in “respectful dialogue” with other non-Christians.

The "pope" kissing the Koran.
The “Pope” kissing the Koran.
He was always careful to treat heathen idolaters with respect.
He was always careful to treat heathen idolaters with respect.

With the sainthood of these two thoroughly anti-Christian men, the Jews have won yet another victory in their war on the traditional West.

May God save us from this wicked tribe and their gentile slaves.