The Caravan is Now in Tijuana – These Animals are Trying to Get Into Our Home

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 25, 2018

The Caravan, though a third of the size it was initially, has continued on and has finally made it to the bordertown of Tijuana.

These bloodsucking animals are attempting to enter OUR HOME and take what BELONGS TO US.

And they have an extreme sense of entitlement.

They believe they have a right to take what is ours.


Busloads of Central American migrants arrived in this Mexican border city on Tuesday. And more are coming.

But it will likely be days before members of the group — which organizers say is about 600 people in total — head to the US-Mexico border to turn themselves in and ask for asylum.

They’re part of a caravan that convened at Mexico’s southern border weeks ago, then trekked through the country as part of an annual pilgrimage organized to bring light to the plights of migrants.

What plight?

The fact that the poverty-stricken country that they built is riddled with violence and crime?

But somehow isn’t a shithole for some reason?

I think everyone already knows “El Salvador and Honduras are really poor, violent countries.”

A large number of people in this year’s caravan are from Honduras. Among the reasons they’ve given CNN for fleeing the country: widespread gang violence, domestic violence, poverty, political repression after a contested presidential election and discrimination against the transgender community.

lol I seriously doubt the tranny thing is on the mind of a single one of these individuals.

What a joke, adding that Western issue of the day onto the whole “we don’t deserve to live in a shithole” bit.

US officials have already made it clear they’re skeptical of the migrants’ motives, warning that anyone with an invalid claim will be swiftly deported and that anyone who tries to cross the border illegally will face prosecution.

At the outset, about 1,200 migrants from Central America were part of the caravan. But some individuals and smaller groups have split off along the way. Some sought asylum in Mexico, saying the risk of trying to make it in the United States wasn’t worth it.

The members of the caravan arriving in Tijuana say they’re well aware of the risks, but decided to continue the journey because they had no other choice.

Except the choice in the last sentence. Seeking asylum in Mexico.

You also had a choice to remain in your shithole.

It’s not like there is a 100% murder rate. Lots of people there hanging out in jungle huts, eating fruits, sitting around.

Billions of people on earth live in shitholes. The option that you have in such a shithole is to attempt to make your country less shitty.

I know it’s easier to flee to a white country, but I don’t know how you expect people to feel sorry for you when that is your decision.

Angry tweets from US President Donald Trump didn’t sway them. Neither did the deployment of National Guard troops.

I understand that we may not be welcomed by all,” a 38-year-old woman from El Salvador told CNN on Tuesday. “But I don’t have an option. If I stay in El Salvador, I’m going to be killed.”




The Right to Access White People?

People need to understand that this is the context of the entire immigration discussion: the right to access to white people.

That is the bottom line of this entire thing.

These brown people are saying: we have a right to live around you, and to take advantage of the things you create.

The concept of massive nonwhite immigration into white countries is fundamentally a promotion of the concept of white supremacy.

They want to be within proximity to us.

As such, the anti-immigration position is “we have a right to be left alone” – which is in no way a “white supremacist” position, it is simply a “please just leave us alone so we can live our lives in peace” position.

So when they call you “white supremacist” for being against immigration, they are projecting their own ideological position onto you.

If white people were not supreme, then brown people would not have this obsession with wanting to be around us. If they were equal to us, they could figure out their own situations and make their own countries work.

Integration in the US was the same thing – Jews gave blacks the idea that they were failing because they didn’t have enough access to white people, and if they were given access to white people, it would magically up their achievement level.

Spoiler: it didn’t work.

But hey, it worked out for a couple of them.

Jordan Peele, for example.

He did pretty well.

Just Leave Us Alone

The Jews have to do endless mental gymnastics, going into bizarre realms of confused gibberish, to try to explain away the basic fact of what the Alt-Right and “racists” in general are asking for: just leave us alone.

That is all.

That is the only thing that any of us are actually asking for:




Call the White House

We got a good response when we called the White House last time about the caravan.

They broke it up, a bunch of of them gave up and dispersed, and Trump got aggressive.

No harm in trying to call again.

You can also write a letter here.

This is very much about making noise.

Whether they get the “asylum” or not, people are very angry. And people being angry is good for us.