The Category 10 Ferguson Chimpout has Brought More White People to Nationalism

Lee Rogers
Daily Slave
December 4, 2014

This type of behavior is what is making Whites want these Blacks moved to Africa.

Due to the obsessive non-stop media coverage on Darren Wilson, Michael Brown and everything going on in Ferguson, I really believe that the Jews have seriously overplayed the “racism” card.  White Americans are starting to revolt against this obvious insanity.

We have seen the Jewish media and various Black race-agitators attempt to make a violent Negro cigar thief into some sort of iconic figure for social justice causes.  Their attempts have failed miserably.

Even though we might not know all of the details of what happened the day that Michael Brown was shot, Darren Wilson has come across as an honest man.  The fact that he agreed to a 45 minute interview with ABC News during which no question was off the table says a great deal about his character.  You may dislike the profession he chose, hate the police state or hate cops in general, but if you watch the interview it is difficult to believe that he was lying or attempting to mislead people as to what happened.

You can tell that more White people are coming to our way of thinking just based upon the type of comments that are appearing under news articles.  This is true for both mainstream and alternative media sites.  There is a huge increase in comments that resemble messages that you would typically see on the Daily Stormer.  It has become clear that these Blacks that have been rioting and protesting simply cannot be reasoned with.

Blacks in Ferguson got caught with their pants down.  Literally.
The whole world saw it.  Blacks in Ferguson got caught with their pants down. Literally (could not resist…).

The hilarious clip where a masked Negro confronted Black Infowars reporter Jakari Jackson for being a sellout to Blacks because he works for the “racist” White Alex Jones is proof of their mindset.  Even if you go out of your way to prove that you are not a “racist” like Jones has done, they simply don’t care.  They just want to hate the White man and destroy everything the White man has built because their feelings have been hurt.  The corporate Jewish media has given them an opportunity to lash out because of their relentless coverage on this singular topic.  They are constantly alluding to some bizarre “racist” conspiracy that resulted in the grand jury decision to not indict Wilson but they never offer any concrete proof of said conspiracy.

There is no question that the issue of race is a divisive issue and it is why the Jews have used it to agitate Blacks against Whites.  I used to believe that we could ignore these racial issues due to their divisive nature and focus in on the symptoms of the problem to change things.  These tactics proved to be ineffective, as the vast majority of Blacks and non-Whites are either incapable of understanding the symptoms or simply don’t care.  Yes, there are some exceptions but they are few and far between.  The vast majority of people who understand what’s going on and care enough to do something about it are White people.  It is a waste of time to try and reach out to other races of people to resolve these problems.

The Ferguson riots: The day the whole world facepalmed and realized that no, these people are not capable of behaving like human beings.
The Ferguson riots: The day the whole world facepalmed as they realized that no, these people are not capable of behaving like human beings.

Whites built America into what it is today and Whites still represent the majority of people in this country.  We have the power to change all of this.  Who cares if the Jew media, Blacks or other non-Whites cry about “racism.”  They’ve used the term so much that it has completely lost its meaning.  At this point they cry “racism” if a White person ties their shoelaces the wrong way.

Just last week, I heard a woman call into a conservative AM talk radio show openly calling for segregation because of what was happening in Ferguson, Missouri.  A few years ago, this would have been unheard of and it proves the point I’m making.  We need more people calling into these types of shows expressing similar unapologetic views; I believe it is only a matter of time before this starts happening in a big way.  It is obvious that racial segregation is the only solution to this problem and there’s no way anyone can logically disagree with the reasoning.  Separation of races fits in with the natural order of things and it is the way it should be.

Once again, there is no question that the idiocy surrounding the Ferguson situation has done wonders for our cause.  Traffic on my website keeps going up and tripled during the height of the Ferguson chimpout.  It shows that an increasing number of White Americans are fed up and tired of these chimps complaining and whining about everything.  Even with affirmative action programs, free goodies and other attempts to satisfy them, it is never enough and it will never be enough.  I believe a combination of Black reservations in America and a repatriation program to send these Blacks back to Africa would be a good first step to helping resolve these problems.