The Children, You Say? Seriously? That’s the Argument?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2015

Statistics, bro. They aren't based on a feel you felt.
Statistics, bro. They aren’t based on a feel you felt.

We are now all being inundated, endlessly, with this image of this poor little dead Syrian boy.

The point I have tried to make here is that this family was not “escaping war and ultimate doom” in Syria, but was in fact “escaping” too low of welfare benefits in Turkey, a country which is not at war and which is completely safe for refugees.

This is in Turkey. The man holding the child is Turkish. This is all a gigantic hoax.
This is in Turkey. The man holding the child is Turkish. This is all a gigantic hoax.

They made a gamble with their own lives and that of their child, and they lost. The gamble was not based on necessity, but on a desire for unearned material wealth.


Not confusing.

All the headlines are saying “the trip from Turkey to Greece.” They aren’t even lying, just apparently expecting the goyim to be so stupid as to think there is a war in Syria, I guess. Either that, or expecting them to believe that all people, no matter what, deserve better living standards than are provided them in a Syrian refugee camp, and that if they die trying to achieve this material living standard, it is White peoples’ fault.

Only a Jew could make this situation confusing.

But here’s another angle, one which is perhaps even more relevant to this whole stupid narrative:

For every Syrian child that enters Europe, there are 1000 fully-grown, healthy African males, only a minuscule portion of which are coming from countries involved in a war.

This “refugee crisis” is not about helping the doomed. It is about giving free things to poor people – most of whom are not even that poor, apparently, because we see in the pictures they are getting off these boats – the tickets to ride costing thousands of dollars – with fresh Nike Air Maxes and iPhones.

"Yo dawg, I jus got off da boat. Be botta hit da club. You down?"
“Yo dawg, I jus got off da boat. Be botta hit da club. You down?”
"Ya brah, I ain't got time to change, but I still fresh. Sides, White bitch ain't gib a fuggggg, nonamymsayen?"
“Ya brah, I ain’t got time to change, but I still fresh. Sides, White bitch ain’t gib a fuggggg, nonamymsayen?”