The Colonialism/Post Colonialism Cycle

Mike Smith’s Political Commentary
June 7, 2014


Colonization of Africa from the Ancient Greeks to the more modern day post Enlightenment colonization brought all sorts of luxuries to the “Noble Savages”…Woven cloth, running water, the wheel, a written language…, but also that wonderful invention called, “The Mirror” so that they could look into it and see themselves for what they are.

It was not long after they saw themselves that they started comparing themselves to the colonizers and what they could not understand they condemned as witchcraft… technology, machines, science, etc.

What the colonizers took for everyday, common equipment the Noble savages saw as magic.

It sparked a dualism in their primitive minds, one of resentment, the other of a deep longing to be like the colonizer.

The resentment stemmed from an inferiority complex, an envy and jealousy of knowing that he would never be able to be like the colonist.

On the other hand he would indeed try to be like the colonist by mimicking him, wearing his clothes, drinking his alcohol, smoking his tobacco, driving his cars, etc, but no matter how he tried he realized through simple observation that he is inferior to the colonist and what the Noble Savage could not have or could not be he had to destroy.

You see the same theme through the ages. Credo Mutwa wrote about the ancient colonization of Africa by the Greeks and Phoenicians in “Indaba My Children” and Franz Fanon about modern day colonization in his books such as “The Wretched of the Earth”.

To understand this mind-set, I will quote from The Wretched of the Earth:

“The gaze that the colonized subject casts at the colonist’s sector is a look of lust, a look of envy. Dreams of possession. Every type of possession: of sitting at the colonist’s table and sleeping in his bed, preferably with his wife. The colonized man is an envious man. The colonist is aware of this as he catches the furtive glance, and constantly on his guard, realizes bitterly that: “They want to take our place. And it’s true there is not one colonized subject who at least once a day does not dream of taking the place of the colonist.”

But Credo Mutwa and Franz Fanon do not just write about colonization, but also about decolonization.

Colonization and decolonization follows a certain pattern that can be plotted on a Sine Curve. It can be seen below:

Colonisation - Decolonisation

It is at stage 9 where the likes of Fanon stop, sigh and fawn over the return to paradise and Eden. To them it is the end when in fact it is only the start of Hell.

It is at this stage that we, who have lived in Africa our entire lives, can observe a continuation to the next stages.

Positioning. A lesson from Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts

What makes BJJ and MMA the most effective unarmed combat styles in the world is the study of fight stages and positioning.

When one knows at all times at what stage of the fight one is and in which position one is then one knows how to fight out of an inferior position into a more superior position.

When one then studies my Colonial-Post Colonial Cycle above, it becomes obvious which stages of the cycle Zimbabwe, Angola, Nigeria, etc. are at and we can then compare South Africa to it and predict what will be installed for us.

Look at this example of conditions in Zimbabwe for instance:

Cow dung used as sanitary pads

“Due to high sanitary costs and lack of resources, Zimbabwean women make do with pieces of cloth, newspapers, fresh grass and even cow dung to absorb the flow of their monthly menstruation.” – Sowetan.

So you tell me which stage Zimbabwe is at.

What is also amazing is the 130 odd Liberal organizations supplying the girls with “Dignity Sanitary packs” so they don’t shame themselves for the stench when they sit in school and then bunk.

Ah yes, sanitary pads and school; More of those evil colonial things the liberals and the formerly colonized Noble Savages hate so much.

When you see this, you know which way SA is heading and you just shake your head in disbelief at the idiots who voted for the ANC.

In fact it is called “Operant Conditioning” and as Dr. B.F. Skinner proved, once the rat discovers the lever that delivers the cocaine, he keeps on pulling it until he dies.