Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 23, 2015

James Kirkpatrick pointed out yesterday in VDARE that the coalition of the willing that is the SJW community is starting to crack, as an anti-racist group protested a gay pride march near a Moslem immigrant neighborhood.
The fact of the matter is that the SJW movement is made up of a bunch of elements who would all hate each other completely, all things being equal, and be working to destroy one another. They are only united presently by their hatred of the White heterosexual male.
But that can’t and won’t last forever. They will most certainly begin attacking each other.

Let’s look at a few of the obvious conflicts which are sure to arise presently.
Blacks v. Mexicans
This is already a major conflict. Both groups hate each other entirely. Donald Trump actually might get a very significant percent of the Black vote, simply because he is anti-Mexican.
Mexicans have been pushing Blacks out of their areas and also pushing in on their drug territory. Mexicans believe Blacks to be an inferior and dirty race, and seek to destroy them.
Blacks v. Gays
Black culture is extremely anti-gay. Except in prison, where “it’s not gay if you’re the man.”
Gays for their part tend to be cultured, and don’t really think much of primitive Blacks. Gays have also long been known to move into Black neighborhoods, buy up property and push out the locals. They don’t have kids to protect, and feel comfortable around guns, so they’ve no issue with an element of danger.
Gays v. Moslems
Obviously, Moslems hate gays (unless it’s a young non-Moslem boy, of course) and are planning to shut them down completely. Gays maybe haven’t figured that out quite yet, but they will soon enough.
Moslems v. Feminists
Moslems have an even more hardcore view of women than I have. I don’t personally believe they should be forced to wear bags, or that they should be punished by rape if they refuse to wear a bag. Moslems actually believe that.
Feminists, like gays, have yet to grasp exactly what the Moslems have in store for them.
And if the White and Jew feminists think the Moslem females will pick sex over race, they’ve got another thing coming. They will soon find that out as well.
Feminists v. Blacks
Blacks have an extremely “misogynistic” culture, similar to Moslems. They view women mainly as rape targets, and are constantly carrying out their agenda of “muh dik” against them.
White women love Black men, generally, in the same way they love small dogs. However, the serious man-hating element of the feminist is soon to find out about Black rape statistics.
Troll Hard
You should all be trolling these groups, and trying to sew discord between them. Easy enough to do, for the higher IQ element amongst us, and extremely personally rewarding in the form of lols.
Get into their circles, pretend to be them, cause rustled jimmies.

For instance, this can be done on Twitter by making a Paki feminist account and then talking about Black rape. Or, you can go the even easier route, and making a tumblr as a Mexican tranny talking about Islam. Or an anti-racist against the gay oppression of Moslems.
And so on. It’s endless. The point is to cause their coalition to break down quicker. It is already going to break down by itself anyway, but possibly not before they abolish society itself, so it is extremely beneficial for you to target them.
Do it.