Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2015

So, as the reader is aware, I have been banned from PayPal and thus been only able to receive funds through Bitcoin and the old-fashioned mail. Thankfully, many readers have taken the time to fund us in this manner, but we are still struggling.
I have had great difficulty figuring out other options, but I have found something to work for the meantime. You can use your credit card to purchase adventures from the site’s host, Andrew Anglin, who pays the bills here.
This is not funding the site, it is simply funding the man who funds the site by purchasing an adventure.
You can purchase adventures here
Actually, that links to a site which links to the adventure store. Adventures range from $5 to $500. If you want to contribute different amounts than those available, simply buy multiple adventures.
The bill last month was nearly $1100 (plus the $200 for Cloudflare), as I reported in my last report on this ongoing issue. Several people suggested that I was being gouged, with a troll going so far as to claim I had faked the screenshot showing the amount.
Though I appreciate the advice I was given about hosting – or rather, I appreciate the sentiment behind it – let me be perfectly clear: I am not retarded.
Trying to host a site that is as hated as the Daily Stormer is extremely difficult. Like, a really, really big hassle, to which untold hours of my life have been devoted. No, I cannot simply go on Hostgator, as some have suggested. I need a free speech server, and they are about three times the price, on average, as anyone can look up. We are dealing with a very high amount of traffic here as well, and I am being charged by the node on a cloud.

I am not sure why it cost so much last month, but the other two months it was just over half of that, which is only a bit more than I was paying on the last server before I was kicked off. What I think happened, though I haven’t been able to confirm it, is the host was absorbing ddos traffic and charged me for it. I also had to change my IP multiple times, which the host charges for. It now appears to be stable, and the bill should go back down by a few hundred dollars (fingers crossed – going to be getting it here in the next 48 hours).
The important thing is that what we have now works. Maybe if I spent 300 hours dealing with it, I could figure out some way to save a couple hundred dollars a month. Though I doubt it. And I don’t have time anyway, the site slows down every time I have to deal with this crap instead of doing what I need to be doing which is calling out these Jews and their hordes in a non-stop information attack.
But I am definitely struggling, and now we also have a radio network running I’m paying for. Plus I need to upgrade the format of the site, it’s definitely looking a bit dated. Besides those two days the second PayPal was up, we haven’t been funded in three months.
Hopefully people are open to contributing through these purchasable adventures, which again, support only me as a person and have nothing to do with this site.
There are also these options:
And this is the address for mail donations (cash, check, money order, whatever):
Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio
Also, as always, if you do not have money please, please, don’t think twice about it. There are generous people who give enough to cover things. Or, there were, before PayPal shut us down. If you’re struggling financially, I don’t want your money. Seriously.
Whatever happens, we are going to keep on going, pulling not a single punch as we push forward with our radical agenda of reshaping the world into what it is we want it to be. Lining things up, once again, with the natural order of the universe.
Only bullets can stop us.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin