The Daily Stormer Officially Endorses Hitler “Kike” Alvarez as President of Ecuador!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 14, 2019

There is only one man with a right to rule the great nation of Ecuador, and that is Hitler “Kike” Alvarez.

He actually did win his election this year, but regrettably, he was only running for mayor of some random town that no one cares about.

Hitler “Kike” Alvarez should have been the nation’s PRESIDENT.

There is no way that Hitler “Kike” Alvarez would be working with the Jew IMF and the kiked Trump administration to screw over the people of his country and Julian Assange in the way that the sickening cripple president has.

The cripple Lenin hates Ecuador and he hates freedom.

All cripples hate freedom and want to take all of the freedoms away from the able-bodied as revenge for being cripples. You absolutely cannot trust cripples.

You know who I trust?

I trust Hitler “Kike” Alvarez.

People ask me if there is any American politician that I support and I say “no.”

Then they ask “well, is there any politician in the world you support?” and I say “only Hitler ‘Kike’ Alvarez.”

Hitler “Kike” Alvarez is helping to create better communities through freedom and prosperity, something which you can learn about on his Facebook page at “kike2019.”

The Daily Stormer is officially endorsing Hitler “Kike” Alvarez as the president of Ecuador for whenever that country’s next election is.